
Javascript Data Binding - using ES6 Proxies and WebComponents

MIT License


Beta/Evaluation-Warning ⚠️

Proxy-JS is an experimental library intended for my personal technical education/training only. I started Proxy-JS as an endeavour to evaluate the utilizability of ES6-Proxies for Javascript data binding. BUT it is NOT safe, tested or final for production environment or any other purpose.

Proxy-JS - A primitive Javascript data binding library

  • Few APIs
  • No buildsteps
  • Based on well known Javascript/HTML5 Concepts
    • WebComponents
    • Proxies
    • Others...
  • Binding Html-Resources to WebComponents
  • Managing resources like
    • Css
    • Html-Templates

Webcomponent example


<div class="text-clickable">
    <span @click="onClick(e)">{{model.title}}<br>Clicked {{model.count}} times (Click me)</span>

.text-clickable {
    cursor: pointer;
    user-select: none;
    transition: text-shadow 0.25s;

.text-clickable:hover {
    text-shadow: 0 0 5px lightgrey;
import { $p, $pLoad } from './lib/proxy-js/core.js';
import { $pResource } from './lib/proxy-js/request.js';

class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

    model = {
        title: 'WebComponent - Hello World',
        count: 0

    constructor() {

        this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open', delegatesFocus: true });

        $p.dom.appendSheet(this.shadowRoot, 'hello');

    async connectedCallback() {
        var $template = await $pResource('./resource/hello-world.html'); 


    onClick(e) {

$pLoad(() => {
    customElements.define('hello-world', HelloWorld);

    $p.dom.styleSheet('./css/hello-world.css', 'hello');


API Calls (most relevant)

Import/Call Description Parameter
$pLoad(callback) callback called when document is ready and proxy-js is load callback - parameterless function
$template Type Represents a html-resource
$pResource(url) returns - promise resolving to a $template Fetch and cache a html-resource (awaitable method) url - address to the html-resource
$template.bind(webcomponent) returns - the $template Binds a $template to the model of a webcomponent webcomponent - the webcomponent object
$template.appendTo($element) returns - the $template Appends the $template to a DOM $element $element - DOM element
$p Global library object Provides access to the libraries functions and core
$p.bind(webcomponent, $template) Bind $template to the model of a webcomponent webcomponent - the webcomponent object $template - html-resource
$p.dom.styleSheet(url, name) Maps the stylesheet at url to a name url - adress to a stylesheet name - name to map the stylesheet
$p.dom.appendSheet(shadowRoot, name1, ...nameX) Append stylesheets to the shadowRoot of a webcomponent shadowRoot - shadowRoot of a Webcomponent name1...nameX - Names of the mapped stylesheets to append

Binding Attributes

Syntax Type Description Parameter
#name Element binding Creates member name referencing the declaring element -
:class="{ 'class-name': model.selected, ... }" Class binding class-name applies when right hand expression evaluates true 'class-name': expression
:style="{ 'display': ? 'block' : 'none' }" Style binding style evaluates to right hand expression 'styleproperty': expression
:disabled="model.disabled ? 'disabled' : undefined" Attribute binding Evaluates to the right hand expression, removed when expression is undefined expression
:value="model.title" Input binding for input of type text Binds the value of a text input element -
:checked="model.check" Input binding for input of type checkbox Binds the checked status of a checkbox input element -
p-for="book in model.books" Iterative binding Repeats an element from the objects of an array. The objects in the array will be the models of the webcomponents created by the binding name in array
@event="callback($e, e, item)" Event binding Binds an event to a callback with optional parameters @event - name of the event (e.g. click) callback - name of the callback methd $e - target or delegate $element e - event item - name of a for-item (e.g. book)
@event.modifier&selector=... Event binding Binds an event with optional modifiers and/or selector @event - name of the event (e.g. click) modifier - can be - once - capture selector - a valid css selector

API Calls (advanced)

Call Description Parameter
$p.unbind($e) - removing elements without unbinding causes memory leaks Recursively removes all bindings within $e and its descendants $e - element to unbind
... = new SilentValue(value, listener) Assigning a value without triggering the watchers value - the value to assign listener - optional filter array to ignore only specific listener
$p.array.removeAll(array, predicate, thisArg) Calls predicate passing every item from array, removing the item if predicate returns true array - the array predicate - filter function of signature f(item, idx, array) thisArg - the context, the filter function is called on
$$e, eventName, handler, options) Registers an event handler which is unregistered after occuring once $e - the element to register an event for eventName - the name of the event to listen for handler - event receiver function options - event listening options
$p.dom.value($e) Returns the raw binding object data $e - the element to get the binding data for
$p.components.core(f) ⚠️💀⚠️ - core implementation can be changed, overriden or manipulated using this call Calls f passing the core implementation f - a function of signature f(core) - where core is the inner core implementation

Core API

Call (on core) Description Parameter
defineConstant(name) returns - the names constant id Maps a constant id to name name - name of the constant
traverse($e, callback) Recursively passes $e and all descendant nodes to callback($e) where $e is the currently traversed node. Return values of callback($e): TRAVERSE_NODE_SKIP - Skip descendants of $e TRAVERSE_NODE_STOP - Stop traversing $e - the element to traverse callback - a function of signature callback($e)
inverse($e, callback) Innermost first recursively passes all descendant nodes of $e to callback($e) where $e is the currently inversed node. After all inversing, $e is passed to callback $e - the element to inverse callback - a function of signature callback($e)
copy(value) returns - deep copy of value Recursively creates a deep copy of value trying to resolve circular references value - the object or array to deep copy

Current work in progress...experimental features i am working at

I/O Handler - Define binding behaviour

$p.components.core(function (core) { //add a core component
    core.addIoHandler({ //define io handler
        name: 'dateformat',

        out: function (value, ...params) { //out to dom
            //TODO date value to string

        in: function (value, ...params) { //in from dom
            //TODO string date to date

        name: 'filesize',

        out: function (value, ...params) {
            if (value < 1024) {
                return value + ' byte';

            var i = 1;
            while (i <= 4 && (value / Math.pow(1024, i)) > 1024) {

            var units = [null, 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];

            return parseFloat((value / Math.pow(1024, i))).toFixed(2) + ' ' + units[i];

        in: function (value, ...params) {

<div class="file-item-size">{{$filesize(model.size)}}</div>
<div class="file-item-date">{{$dateformat(model.changed)}}</div>

Dynamic For Templates - Determine for binding webcomponent at runtime

<div class="pnl-task">
    <!--template is not rendered, onTaskComponent returns the name of a webcomponent-->
    <template p-for="task in model.tasks" p-component="onTaskComponent()"></template>
    <!--onTaskComponent is called for every for-item-->
//return the name of a webcomponent to use for the current for binding item
onTaskComponent(task) { 
    if (task.type == TASK_TYPE_NOTE) {
        return 'task-note'; //use task-note Webcomponent
    else if (task.type == TASK_TYPE_TODO) {
        return 'task-todo'; //use task-todo Webcomponent