
Raycasting in canvas


A 3D implementaion above element of a simple and stupid raycasting engine.

What the project current has:

  • Basic canvas API with scale support;
  • Basic mapping tool to create new maps and render saved ones;
  • Keyboard binding tool to provide easy key binding;
  • Framerate controller;
  • Basic player class controll;
  • Basic "Engine" to put it all together;

The roadmap:

  • Short term
    ** Casting rays to render a basic 3D view
    ** Remove jquery from project
    ** Performance refactor
    ** Better log tool
  • Long term
    ** Canvas API focused on performance and as an object oriented way;
    ** Separate Mapping render from mapping creation tool;
    ** Complete tool to create maps (insert sprites, type of tiles, scripted events, etc);
    ** Engine must support 3 perspectives: basic 3d, top view, side scroll;
    ** Multiplayer suport (client/server)