
A push-relabel network flow solver in JavaScript



Network flow is a fundamental tool in computer science and operations research, and can be used to solve many common tasks such as:

This library is an implementation of Goldberg and Tarjan's push-relabel algorithm for solving network flow problems in JavaScript. It use relabel-to-front ordering as well as the global and gap relabelling heuristics, as described by Cherkassy and Goldberg, giving it a run time on the order of |V|^3 in the worst case.

Currently in early development, patches welcome!


To install the library, use npm:

npm install push-relabel

And then you can call it as follows:

//Solve flow for following network:
//       1
//      ^ |
//   2 /  |1
//    /   V   1
//  s=0-->2--->3
//      9 |    |
//        |7   |7
//        V    V
//        4--->t=5
//            4
var num_vertices = 6
var source       = 0
var sink         = 5
var edges        = [[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,3],[2,4],[3,5],[4,5]]
var capacities   = [   2,   9,    1,    1,    7,    7,    4  ]

//Load library
var pushRelabel = require("push-relabel")

//Compute maximum flow
var flow = pushRelabel.maxFlow(num_vertices, source, sink, edges, capacities)
for(var i=0; i<edges.length; ++i) {
  console.log("edge:", edges[i], flow[i] + "/" + capacities[i])

//Compute minimum cut
var cut = pushRelabel.minCut(num_vertices, source, sink, edges, capacities)


There are two functions exposed by the library:

pushRelabel.maxFlow(num_vertices, source, sink, edges, capacities[, flow, dual])

Computes a maximum flow in a network.

  • num_vertices is the number of vertices in the graph
  • source is the index of the source vertex
  • sink is the index of the sink vertex
  • edges is a list of edges in the graph
  • capacities is a list of per-edge capacities. Must have size >= edges.length
  • flow (optional) is an array which will get the resulting flow. If not specified, a new flow array is allocated. Must be of size at least edges.length
  • dual (optional) is the topological dual of the flow network. If not specified, a new dual is computed.

WARNING If you don't specify a dual, the library will permute the order of the edges/capacities array

Returns: The flow, which is stored in the object flow

pushRelabel.minCut(num_vertices, source, sink, edges, capacities[, cut, dual])

Computes a minimum cut in a flow network

  • num_vertices is the number of vertices in the graph
  • source is the index of the source vertex
  • sink is the index of the sink vertex
  • edges is a list of edges in the graph
  • capacities is a list of per-edge capacities. Must have size >= edges.length
  • cut (optional) is an array which will get the resulting cut. If not specified, a new uint8 array is allocated. Must be of size at least `num_vertices
  • dual (optional) is the topological dual of the flow network. If not specified, a new dual is computed.

WARNING If you don't specify a dual, the library will permute the order of the edges/capacities array

Returns: The cut


(c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. BSD License