
🪄 Package manager eXecutor for JavaScript projects

MIT License



px is a CLI tool used to run commands across different JavaScript package managers.

With px, you no longer need to switch between package managers when working on different projects. It detects the project's package manager and forwards the command for you. The command is not changed, just forwarded.


  • Execute the same set of commands without needing to switch package managers
  • Automatically installs and uninstalls TypeScript declaration packages with their corresponding npm packages
  • For npm, px automatically adds the run prefix for npm scripts (e.g. px dev results in npm run dev)
  • Compatible with npm, pnpm, yarn, and bun


Before installing px, ensure you have Node.js >= 16 installed on your machine.

npm install -g @ae-studio/px


To use px, simply replace your package manager command with px followed by the usual arguments you would pass. For example:

px install       # Installs dependencies
px dev           # Runs the 'dev' script, automatically adding 'run' for npm
px test          # Executes the 'test' script
px build         # Builds the project

px will detect the package manager your project is using and execute the command as if you had used the package manager's native CLI.

Automatic TypeScript Declarations

px improves the experience of working in TypeScript projects by making it easier to manage TypeScript declaration packages. When you install or uninstall npm packages in a TypeScript project, px will:

  • On install: Automatically search for and install the corresponding TypeScript declaration packages (@types/*) if they exist.
  • On uninstall: Check for any installed declaration packages associated with the npm packages being removed and uninstall them as well.

This feature saves time and ensures your TypeScript types stay in sync with your installed packages, all without the need for manual intervention.


This tool is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Built with 🧡 by AE Studio