
Create Lego mosaics out of video game sprites

MIT License



Up and running at http://city41.github.io/pxtobrx

A simple webapp that creates instructions on how to build Lego mosaics for video game sprites.

Hacking on the site

The site was built using react-starter-kit.

To get a local dev environment going

  1. clone the repo
  2. npm install
  3. gulp

Your browser will open with a window pointed at http://localhost:3000

Any time you save a file, the browser will reload with your changes


To build a release build do gulp build --release, then from there, build/public/ will contain everything needed to push out to gh-pages.


Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues page to see what's up. Before doing anything large, please contact me first so we don't duplicate effort. Send pull requests in the typical github fashion.