
A primer on the care and feeding of asynchronous promises



This repository is an effort to develop a comprehensive guide to asynchronous promises in JavaScript. My hope is for this text to evolve organically: more a binder of notes from a sequence of intrepid explorers than a definitive guide. Authorship has no particular granularity, but credit where credit is due. There is to be a mix of tips-and-tricks, engineering, and rigorous academic exploration. The goal is to coax inductees from solving simple problems to solving problems they never thought they had. This is not mere education, but seduction: a trail to the frontier: the state-of-the-art.

As the title implies, this book is ultimately about the Q implementation of promises. It has both a long history and a far future. That said, it does not stand alone. From the vantage of Q, we will explore related efforts, both in implementation and standardization. We will honestly assess ourselves and others in the light of the engineering trade-offs that make each of these efforts unique.

And with that, we hope we have established the intended tone. Logistically, this is a collection of Markdown files. Each of these files should have the granularity of a chapter or a letter to Grandma. Each file has a name of the form lower-case.md. With regard to the order or sequence of the book, refer here for the Table of Content.

All of this is likely to change when the war begins.

Table of Content

  1. Four Words
  2. Foreword
  3. Forward: What is a Promise
  4. A Graduated Tutorial
  5. Handling Exceptions
  6. Debugging
    1. Long Traces
  7. Proxies for Objects
  8. Proxies for Arrays
  9. Recipe: A Module Loader
  10. Recipe: Map and Reduce
  11. Streams
  12. File System
  13. HTTP Request and Response Cycle
  14. Joey
  15. Promises for Remote Objects
    1. Bridging and Central Dispatch
  16. On Object Capabilities
  17. Recipe: An Secure Escrow Exchange
  18. The Design of a Promise Implementation
  19. The Point of Promises
    1. Epiphany: The Pyramid of Doom or the Chain of Fate
    2. Epiphany: Propagating Exceptions (by way of
    3. Epiphany: Remote Objects and Pipelining
    4. Epiphany: Mutually Suspicious Objects
    5. Epiphany: Asynchronous Debugger
    6. Epiphany: Multi-process Debugger
    7. Epiphany: Monads
  20. The Outside World
    1. Assimilation
    2. Domains
    3. jQuery
  21. History of Promises
  22. Future of Promises