
some personalized file stubbing tools

MIT License



Some personalized scaffolding tools I am using to automate my workflow.

This is an experiment / proof of concept. One day it may grow into a generalized tool for scaffolding modules, apps, components, etc. Feel free to fork or post issues if you want to discuss.


Install the module globally to access all the bins.

npm install @mattdesl/quick-stub -g

Now any of the scripts can be run from the command-line. Run them inside a module folder with a package.json file. Example:

# make a module
mkdir my-module
cd my-module
npm init

# add a test and install its dependencies
quick-test tests/index.js

The above installs tape and faucet and writes the following:

var myModule = require('../')
var test = require('tape')

test('your package description', function(t) {


It also adds the following to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "test": "node test/index.js | faucet"

All scripts listed below. As you can see they are highly personalized to my workflow.


Installs tape and faucet as dependencies, stubs out a test file, and adds a test script to your package.json.


quick-test [entry] [opt]
  [entry]    the file to write, default test.js
  -f         force overwrite (no prompt)


quick-test tests/index.js


Installs browserify and uglify-js, then adds a "bundle" script to your package.json that looks like this:

"scripts": {
  "bundle": "browserify src/index.js | uglifyjs -cm > app/bundle.js"


quick-build [entry] [opt]
  [entry]         the entry to build, default src/index.js
  --outfile, -o   the outfile, default bundle.js
  --dir           the out directory, default app/


Adds a bin field to your package.json and stubs out a simple bin/index.js file with the following:

#!/usr/bin/env node


quick-bin [filename] [opt]
  [filename]      the file name, default index.js
  --minimist, -m  include minimist dependency + code
  --dir           the directory, default 'bin'

With --minimist the file includes arg parsing.


Stubs out a simple HTML5 template at the given file, or defaults to index.html.

quick-html [entry]
  [entry]    the output file, default index.html


Add budo to your package.json.


Result in package.json:

"start": "budo index.js:bundle.js --live"

You can specify -b or --babel for babelify, and -a or --auto for installify. Use --no-dir to avoid adding a directory to budo, or --dir public/ for your own site directory. Use --glslify to add glslify transform.

# babelify + installify
quick-budo demo.js:bundle.js -b --no-dir

The above command installs budo and sets up the following:

"start": "budo demo.js:bundle.js --live -- -t babelify"

If babel is specified, the following .babelrc file is also written:

  "presets": [
      "babel-preset-env", {
        "useBuiltIns": "usage"

Also see babelify if you would rather have it listed as a package.json configuration (so you don't need to repeat the flag for build scripts).


Create a folder with a script, css and template file.

quick-component ./src/components/my-comp


quick-component [path] [opts]
  [path]      the folder that will be created
  --css, -c   the name for the style file (default style.css)
  --script, -s   the name for the script file (default index.js)
  --template, -t   the name for the template file (default template.html)

rc configuration

You can add a .quick-stubrc file in your $HOME directory to change the command that is run with npm install. For example, to npm-install-analytics:

  "command": "npm-install-analytics"

Other configurations may be added at a later point.


MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.