
fast websites, by default



[work in progress. come back when it's done!]

a framework, without any framework. for react/dialects. in a box.


npm install rakt -g

quick start

make a script, say index.js

export default App = () => 
  <div>hello world</div>

then run

$ rakt index.js   

the big idea

one addition to react-router's <Route/> api

import { Route } from 'react-router'
- import User from './user.js'

<Route path='/user/:id'
-  component={User}
+  module='./user.js'

behind the scenes, rakt handles code splitting + SSR + resource loading

optionally, use render/children as you normally would

<Route path='/user/:id'
  render={ ({ Module }) => Module ? 
    <Module.Profile /> : 
    <span>loading...</span> )}


you can prevent ssr for a <Route/> with the defer attribute. great for starting apps faster, and offloading some work to the browser. rakt manages efficiently preloading code and/or data for the same.

<Route path='/user/:id' module='./user.js' defer />

todo - <Defer/>





data fetching

rakt takes data-fetching to the next level, by letting you colocate actual server side code alongside your component

import { initial } from 'rakt'

@initial(({ req, done }) => {    
  let db = require('mongo')(3111)
  db.get('users', req.params.id, done)  
  // gets removed from client side bundle(!)
export default class User {
    return <div>
      {this.props.data || 'loading data'}

// augment this with your own solutions - relay, redux, etc

rakt will take care of efficiently fetching, hydration(for ssr), caching, etc

  • todo - @get, @post, @put, @del
  • todo - @socket, @sse, @memory, etc
  • todo - cache keys / idents



rakt lets you write 'inline' css via glamor

<div css={{ color: 'red' }}>
  bloody valentine

prpl ootb


rakt apps should conform to the prpl pattern without any extra work



rakt <script> <options>

rakt build <script> path/to/folder


  • ssr - server side rendering - default true
  • splits - code splits - default true
  • production - production mode - default false
  • css - 'inline' css - default true

integrating with other apps/frameworks


you can take pieces from rakt and use them in your own app sans the rakt stack.

  • babel/webpack pipeline
  • <Layout/>
  • api server
  • route-aware data fetcher




  • module must be a string literal
  • when using module, path must be a string literal
  • might overfetch data for some edge cases

todo -

  • prefetch links
  • websockets?
  • work with aliased modules
  • sw-precache, etc
  • use named exports (incl data fetches)
  • manifest and such
  • progressive css
  • leaf nodes / wc-like behavior
  • cache keys for @initial
  • react-native?
  • in-house <Route/>, <Link/>, etc
  • optimistic updates
  • rhl
  • fonts and icons and svgs and images and such