
Very small raw protobuf parser (js)


[!CAUTION] This has been depracated, in favor of rawproto, where I did similar stuff, but improved things a bit. You should use that, instead.

Very small raw protobuf parser.

This is similar to rawproto, but without anything around the schema-def.

Use this if you want a really light library, and don't need to generate the schema for some raw protobuf messages, or anything like that. It's fast & light. It has 0-dependencies, and can be used in just about any place that runs javascript (browser, nodejs, cloudflare-edge, deno, bun, etc.)

It can read a Buffer (nodejs) or Uint8Array of bytes, and outputs a JSON-encodable object.


nodejs (module)

import rawprotoparse from 'rawprotoparse'
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'

console.log(rawprotoparse(await readFile('somebinaryfile.pb')))

nodejs (commonjs)

const { rawprotoparse }  = require('rawprotoparse')
const { readFile }  = require('fs')

readFile('somebinaryfile.pb', (err, bytes) => {

web (module)

<script type="module">
import rawprotoparse from "https://esm.run/rawprotoparse"



rawprotoparse (buffer, { prefix = 'f', stringMode = 'auto', arrayMode = false })
  • prefix - a string to put in front of the fieldnames
  • stringMode - a string for what to do with buffers.
    • auto - try to guess if it's string or buffer, based on bytes
    • string - force a string, that may have escaped characters
    • buffer - outputs an array of bytes. I use a plain array so that you can encode to JSON easier
  • arrayMode - a boolean that forces all fields to be arrays. This allows you to assume all values are arrays (not just repeated fields)
  • valueHandler - a custom value-handler, if you want to do something special. See test for example.