
My blog



A blog that's running on node.js.

This is a learning experience for me.

I will use this code to run a blog at http://www.raynos.org

Status: running in production but still beta

Architecture overview

  • /tests/unit contains unit tests
  • /tests/http contains HTTP level integration tests
  • /tests/zombie contains HTML forms tests

The architecture is build on ncore and the depencencies are shown.

  • routes register HTTP uris on the router
  • controllers implement HTTP logic for a particular uri
  • domains implement domain logic
  • dataSources abstract database interactions
  • viewModels map domain objects to objects that can be passed to templates.

HTTP flow

A http request comes and the router is called to return a single controller based on the uri.

The controller function is invoked and does logic including calls to domains.

Routil is used to do req/res manipulation utilities and to minimize the amount of common code that is run for every single request.