
Renders Commonmark (a strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown) as pure React components

MIT License



Renders Commonmark (a strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown) as pure React components. If you want to support features not in the commonmark specification, you probably want to use react-markdown instead.

Demo available at


npm install --save react-commonmark

Basic usage

var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var ReactCommonmark = require('react-commonmark');

var input = '# This is a header\n\nAnd this is a paragraph';

  <ReactCommonmark source={input} />,

Important note

If you are using Webpack 1, you need to enable a JSON-loader. To do so, first npm install --save json-loader, then add the loader to your webpack config:

  module: {
    loaders: [{
      test: /\.json$/,
      loader: 'json-loader'


If you either set escapeHtml or skipHtml to true, this component does not use dangerouslySetInnerHTML at all - this is a Good Thing™.

Inline HTML is broken

As the title says, inline HTML is currently broken. See commonmark-react-renderer#9 for more information on why and how you can help out.


  • source - string The commonmark source to parse (required)
  • className - string Class name of the container element (default: '').
  • containerTagName - string Tag name for the container element, since commonmark can have many root-level elements, the component need to wrap them in something (default: div).
  • containerProps - object An object containing custom element props to put on the container element such as id and htmlFor.
  • childBefore - object A single child object that is rendered before the commonmark source but within the container element
  • childAfter - object A single child object that is rendered after the commonmark source but within the container element
  • escapeHtml - boolean Setting to true will escape HTML blocks, rendering plain text instead of inserting the blocks as raw HTML (default: false).
  • skipHtml - boolean Setting to true will skip inlined and blocks of HTML (default: false).
  • sourcePos - boolean Setting to true will add data-sourcepos attributes to all elements, indicating where in the commonmark source they were rendered from (default: false).
  • softBreak - string Setting to br will create <br> tags instead of newlines (default: \n).
  • allowedTypes - array Defines which types of nodes should be allowed (rendered). (default: all types).
  • disallowedTypes - array Defines which types of nodes should be disallowed (not rendered). (default: none).
  • unwrapDisallowed - boolean Setting to true will try to extract/unwrap the children of disallowed nodes. For instance, if disallowing Strong, the default behaviour is to simply skip the text within the strong altogether, while the behaviour some might want is to simply have the text returned without the strong wrapping it. (default: false)
  • allowNode - function Function execute if in order to determine if the node should be allowed. Ran prior to checking allowedTypes/disallowedTypes. Returning a truthy value will allow the node to be included. Note that if this function returns true and the type is not in allowedTypes (or specified as a disallowedType), it won't be included. The function will get a single object argument (node), which includes the following properties:
    • type - string The type of node - same ones accepted in allowedTypes and disallowedTypes
    • renderer - string The resolved renderer for this node
    • props - object Properties for this node
    • children - array Array of children
  • renderers - object An object where the keys represent the node type and the value is a React component. The object is merged with the default renderers. The props passed to the component varies based on the type of node. See the type renderer options of commonmark-react-renderer for more details.
  • transformLinkUri - function|null Function that gets called for each encountered link with a single argument - uri. The returned value is used in place of the original. The default link URI transformer acts as an XSS-filter, neutralizing things like javascript:, vbscript: and file: protocols. If you specify a custom function, this default filter won't be called, but you can access it as require('react-commonmark').uriTransformer. If you want to disable the default transformer, pass null to this option.
  • transformImageUri - function|null Function that gets called for each encountered image with a single argument - uri. The returned value is used in place of the original.
  • parserOptions - object An object of options to pass on to the commonmark parser.

The possible types of elements that can be allowed/disallowed are:

  • HtmlInline - Inline HTML
  • HtmlBlock - Block of HTML
  • Text - Text nodes (inside of paragraphs, list items etc)
  • Paragraph - Paragraph nodes (<p>)
  • Heading - Headers (<h1>, <h2> etc)
  • Softbreak - Newlines
  • Hardbreak - Hard line breaks (<br>)
  • Link - Link nodes (<a>)
  • Image - Image nodes (<img>)
  • Emph - Emphasis nodes (<em>)
  • Code - Inline code nodes (<code>)
  • CodeBlock - Blocks of code (<code>)
  • BlockQuote - Block quotes (<blockquote>)
  • List - List nodes (<ol>, <ul>)
  • Item - List item nodes (<li>)
  • Strong - Strong/bold nodes (<strong>)
  • ThematicBreak - Horizontal rule nodes (<hr>)

Note: Disallowing a node will also prevent the rendering of any children of that node, unless the unwrapDisallowed option is set to true. Eg, disallowing a paragraph will not render it's children text nodes.


git clone [email protected]:rexxars/react-commonmark.git
cd react-commonmark
npm install
npm test


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.