
React Conf 2016 API

MIT License



React Conf 2016 API

Generates a GraphQL API and CMS with KeystoneJS for data management.

Getting Started

Make sure you have Node v4+ and MongoDB installed, then:

git clone
cd react-conf-2016
npm install
npm start

Sign in with one of the default accounts (see ./updates/1.0.0-admins) at localhost:3000

Try out the GraphQL API with Graphiql at localhost:3000/api/graphql

The Codebase

Data is created on first run by the scripts in ./updates

Models are defined in ./models

The schedule isn't actually stored in the database (the talks are) - it's generated by ./lib/schedule.js

GraphQL schemas are defined in ./graphql/schema.js

The Keystone instance is configured in ./keystone.js and the express app is configured by ./routes/index

There isn't really a client app, just a simple redirect to the keystone signin, but if you want to experiment building a react app to hit the API everything in ./client/scripts will be bundled with browserify and babel when included in the templates (see ./templates/views)


MIT. Copyright (c) 2016 Jed Watson.