
An example / test / playpen looking at how Context works in React.js

MIT License


Context Example

This is an example component I set up to test how context works under different conditions in React.js.

Any discussion of context wouldn't be complete without:

This isn't something you'd actually use in any project; I published it because I figured it might be useful to others as a reference or a playpen where you can experiment with your own scenarios.

Demo & Examples

Live demo:

Clone this repo and run the examples locally:

git clone
cd react-context-example
npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:8000 in a browser.

Any changes you make will be live reloaded.

Development (src and lib notes)

The source for the examples is in src. All your changes should be made in here.

The lib folder is automatically generated by the build process, and is transpiled from ES6 and JSX to ES5 Javascript by Babel.

See the generator I used to create this project for more comprehensive documentation.


When you pull a component into your project using Browserify or Webpack (or require it from node) you don't want to have to worry about converting ES6 or JSX. So that's done for you - the entrypoint of this component is the lib folder.

Similarly, if you don't have a build process, you want to use the bundled package (which has a UMD loader) from the dist folder.


If, for some reason, you want to install this from npm:

npm install react-context-example --save


MIT. Copyright (c) 2015 Jed Watson.