
A Journey through React Apollo - React Europe 2018


A Journey through React Apollo (React Europe 2018)

If you'd like to take an intergalactic journey through the past, present, and future of React Apollo, then you came to the right place! My React Europe talk explains the evolution of React Apollo from a higher order component API to a render prop API. You'll also get a sneak peek of what's to come with React Apollo v3.0 and React Suspense! 😮


📹 Watch the video

💻 View the slides

🎉 View the suspense demo (async rendering)

🎉 View the demo without suspense (synchronous rendering)

🐶 View the GraphQL server

Further exploration

Render props

Async React


If you have any questions about the presentation or React Apollo, please feel free to open an issue or start a conversation on Twitter.