
React Hooks in Action Book, with Cypress e2e & component tests


React Hooks in Action Book, with Cypress e2e & component tests

yarn install --registry # specify the registry in case you are using a proprietary registry

# no need to have server running for these:
yarn cy:open-ct # for cypress component test runner
yarn cy:run-ct # headless version

# runs the ui and api servers, then opens e2e runner
yarn cy:open-e2e
yarn cy:run-e2e  # headless version

# a la carte
yarn dev # start the ui and api server
yarn cy:open # for cypress e2e test runner
yarn cy:run # headless version

yarn test # run unit tests with jest


build  -->  Cypress e2e test
       -->  Cypress component test
       -->  lint

What to test where: component vs ui-integration vs ui-e2e

TL,DR; test everything you can at the lowest level component; when that is limiting move to the parent, when that is limiting move further up; ui-integration (ui-component-integration, stubs the network) and ui-e2e where backend is needed. Most of the time the backend is not needed.

Example component setup:

  • BookablesPage (routes - ui-integration)
    • BookablesView (parent - component test)
      • BookablesList (child - component test)
      • BookableDetails (child - component test)
    • BookableEdit (parent - component test)
      • BookableForm (child - component test)
    • BookableNew (parent - component test)
      • BookableForm (child - component test)
  • test at the parent component when you cannot test any further at child

  • test via ui-integration when that is limiting, and also when you want to test an integration of ui components

  • test via ui-e2e when back-end matters

    An example of needing backend is when CRUD is of concern. An ideal crud utilizes api seeding, but here we did it all through the UI.

    • Test UI Create
      • UI create
      • API delete
    • Test UI Update
      • API create
      • UI update
      • API delete
    • Test UI Delete
      • API create
      • UI delete
  • Finally, do combined coverage and fill the gaps

Combined Coverage

Refer to the blog post Triple combined code coverage for React Apps with Jest, Cypress component and e2e tests, using Github Actions

yarn cov:reset # clears the coverage
# execute unit, CT and e2e tests to generate coverage
yarn test
yarn cy:run-ct
yarn cy:run-e2e
# combine the coverage
yarn cov:combined
# observe the report in combined-coverage folder

cypress-grep cheat sheet

# note: can use run or open

# strings
yarn cy:run --env grep=retainment # run by a string in the spec file
yarn cy:run --env grep="Bookable details retainment" # multiple words

# solo spec; no skipped tests in results
yarn cy:run --env grep="Bookable details retainment" --spec 'cypress/integration/retainment.spec.js'
yarn cy:run --env grep="Bookable details retainment",grepFilterSpecs=true # newer way
yarn cy:open --env grep="Bookable details retainment",grepFilterSpecs=true,grepOmitFiltered=true # omits greyed out tests, good for open mode

# tags
yarn cy:run --env grepTags=@smoke # run by a tag in the spec file
# logic combos
yarn cy:run --env grepTags="@smoke @routes" # OR
yarn cy:run --env grepTags="@appJs+@routes" # AND

# reversion
yarn cy:run --env grep=-sanity # runs the tests without sanity string in the spec
yarn cy:run --env grep="- abcs" # string variant
yarn cy:run --env grepTags="-@routes" # tags, can drop quotes if single tag

# mix string and tag, AND logic
yarn cy:run --env grep="routes",grepTags="@appJs"

# burn; run it x times
yarn cy:run --env grepTags=@smoke,burn=10

# run untagged tests
yarn cy:run --env grepUntagged=true

# run a component test (filtering does not work with component tests yet)
# wait for Cypress 10
yarn cy:run-ct --env grep="BookingsPage",grepFilterSpecs=true,grepOmitFiltered=true

Setting up and Testing LaunchDarkly Feature flags

The specs in the launch-darkly folder will not be working until you have aa .env file with your LaunchDarkly API key. You can add a property to your cypress.json file to disable the feature flag tests until you have an api key.

  "ignoreTestFiles": "**/feature-flags/*.js"

Check out the multi-part series:

A version of the app without feature flags can be checked out at the branch before-feature-flags. The PR for the blog post can be found here.

Setting up Visual Testing with Percy

The branch prior to the changes can be checked out at before-visual-testing. The steps can be followed to reach the final version on main branch.

The changes the guide can be found in this PR.

Check out the full guide on

Percy vs Applitools

Take a look at the blog post Setup Cypress & Applitools with GitHub Actions: a comparison of Applitools vs Percy in a mid size app.