
A cooking app using React Navigation and Redux.


Cooking app

A cooking app using React Navigation and Redux.


  • displaying recipes by category.
  • adding a recipe to favorites.
  • filtering recipes (gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan & vegetarian).

React Navigation

  • handling stack of screens for recipes, favorites and filters with createStackNavigator and createAppContainer.
  • using props.navigation to navigate between screens.
  • handling data from component to header with setParams and getParam.
  • custom header title with navigationOptions.
  • using react-native-screens for better performance.
  • custom buttons in the header with react-navigation-header-buttons.
  • adding bottom tabs with react-navigation-tabs.
  • custom style on Android with react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs.
  • custom SideDrawer with react-navigation-drawer.

Redux and React-Redux

  • using actions and reducers to store favorite recipes and filtered recipes.
  • handling logic to filter recipes.
  • using useSelector hook to get the state.
  • using props.navigation to pass data to the header without re-render.
  • using useDispatch hook to dispatch actions.
  • passing useDispatch to the header with useEffect and useCallback to limit re-render cycles.

React Native

  • using FlatList, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView, ImageBackground, Switch.
  • custom components for category card and recipe item.
  • custom fonts and color constants.
  • using React hooks (useState, useEffect, useCallback).

Based on React Native - The Practical Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.