
Voting and poll library for React Native with fully customizable options



Add the dependency:

npm i react-native-poll

Peer Dependencies

"@freakycoder/react-native-bounceable": ">= 0.2.4",



import RNPoll, { IChoice } from "react-native-poll";

Fundamental Usage

import RNPoll, { IChoice } from "react-native-poll";

  onChoicePress={(selectedChoice: IChoice) =>
    console.log("SelectedChoice: ", selectedChoice)

Advanced Usage

import RNAnimated from "react-native-animated-component";
import RNPoll, { IChoice } from "react-native-poll";

  onChoicePress={(selectedChoice: IChoice) =>
    console.log("SelectedChoice: ", selectedChoice)

Data Format (IChoice)

You must use this data format for generating the poll choices

const choices: Array<IChoice> = [
  { id: 1, choice: "Nike", votes: 12 },
  { id: 2, choice: "Adidas", votes: 1 },
  { id: 3, choice: "Puma", votes: 3 },
  { id: 4, choice: "Reebok", votes: 5 },
  { id: 5, choice: "Under Armour", votes: 9 },

Example Project

You can checkout the example project

Simply run

  • npm i
  • react-native run-ios/android

should work of the example project.

Configuration - Props


Property Type Default Description
totalVotes number undefined set the total votes of the poll
choices Array undefined set the choices array for the generating them
onChoicePress function default set your own logic when a choice is pressed/selected

Customization (Optionals)

Property Type Default Description
hasBeenVoted boolean false let you to enable if the poll is already voted
votedChoiceByID number(id) undefined let you to select the already voted poll choice
disableBuiltInIncreaseVote boolean false enable/disable the built-in automatically increase the vote system when a choice is selected
disableBuiltInIncreaseVote boolean false enable/disable the built-in automatically increase the vote system when a choice is selected
style ViewStyle default set or override the style object for the main container
pollContainerStyle ViewStyle default set or override the style object for the poll inner container
choiceTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the style object for the choice text style
percentageTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the style object for the percentage text style
checkMarkImageStyle ImageStyle default set or override the style object for the checkmark image style
pollItemContainerStyle ViewStyle default set or override the style object for the poll item container
borderColor color #aabee3 change the border color
fillBackgroundColor color #aabee3 change the filling background color
checkMarkIconImageSource ISource default change the check mark image source
defaultChoiceBorderWidth number 0.5 change the default choice's border width
selectedChoiceBorderWidth number 1 change the selected choice's border width
PollContainer component default set your own component instead of default react-native View component such as react-native-animated-component
PollItemContainer component default set your own component instead of default react-native View component such as react-native-animated-component
ImageComponent component default set your own component instead of default react-native Image component such as FastImage

Future Plans

  • More animation options
  • Other poll design options
  • Write an article about the lib on Medium


Inspired on aarkalyk


FreakyCoder, [email protected]


React Native Poll is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.