
a syntax highlighter for react native using under the hood

MIT License


React Native Syntax Highlighter

Syntax highlighting component for React Native using react-syntax-highlighter

You can see a demo using snack by Expo

Alternatively you can scan this qr code in The Expo app to access on your phone:

With Highlight.js vdom

With Prism vdom

You can try it out with Expo here


npm install react-native-syntax-highlighter --save



Accepts all of the same props as react-syntax-highlighter with three additional props.

  • fontFamily - the font family to use for syntax text.
  • fontSize - the fontSize for syntax text.
  • highligter - defaults to rendering with vdom created from highlightjs, but can pass in prism as alternate option. You can see more about dealing with the prism highlighter in the docs for react-syntax-highlighter but one of the main uses would be better support for jsx
import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-native-syntax-highlighter';
/*by default component uses hljs so access hljs styles, import from /prism for prism styles */
import { docco } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/styles/hljs';
const Component = () => {
  const codeString = '(num) => num + 1';
  return <SyntaxHighlighter 
  	highlighter={"prism" || "hljs"}

Unsupported Props

Some of the react-syntax-highlighter props are not currently supported by the mobile version, you can see which listed below:

  • useInlineStyles
  • showLineNumbers
  • startingLineNumber
  • lineNumberContainerStyle
  • lineNumberStyle

Styles Available -- hljs

  • agate
  • androidstudio
  • arduinoLight
  • arta
  • ascetic
  • atelierCaveDark
  • atelierCaveLight
  • atelierDuneDark
  • atelierDuneLight
  • atelierEstuaryDark
  • atelierEstuaryLight
  • atelierForestDark
  • atelierForestLight
  • atelierHeathDark
  • atelierHeathLight
  • atelierLakesideDark
  • atelierLakesideLight
  • atelierPlateauDark
  • atelierPlateauLight
  • atelierSavannaDark
  • atelierSavannaLight
  • atelierSeasideDark
  • atelierSeasideLight
  • atelierSulphurpoolDark
  • atelierSulphurpoolLight
  • atomOneDark
  • atomOneLight
  • brownPaper
  • codepenEmbed
  • colorBrewer
  • darcula
  • dark
  • darkula
  • defaultStyle
  • docco
  • dracula
  • far
  • foundation
  • githubGist
  • github
  • googlecode
  • grayscale
  • gruvboxDark
  • gruvboxLight
  • hopscotch
  • hybrid
  • idea
  • irBlack
  • kimbieDark
  • kimbieLight
  • magula
  • monoBlue
  • monokaiSublime
  • monokai
  • obsidian
  • ocean
  • paraisoDark
  • paraisoLight
  • pojoaque
  • purebasic
  • qtcreatorDark
  • qtcreatorLight
  • railscasts
  • rainbow
  • routeros
  • schoolBook
  • solarizedDark
  • solarizedLight
  • sunburst
  • tomorrowNightBlue
  • tomorrowNightBright
  • tomorrowNightEighties
  • tomorrowNight
  • tomorrow
  • vs
  • vs2015
  • xcode
  • xt256
  • zenburn

Styles Available -- prism

  • coy
  • dark
  • funky
  • okaidia
  • solarizedlight
  • tomorrow
  • twilight
  • prism
  • atomDark
  • base16AteliersulphurpoolLight
  • cb
  • darcula
  • duotoneDark
  • duotoneEarth
  • duotoneForest
  • duotoneLight
  • duotoneSea
  • duotoneSpace
  • ghcolors
  • hopscotch
  • pojoaque
  • vs
  • xonokai