
An example repo I used to teach a React Query workshop


What is this?

It's an example repo that show show to go from a simple hook-based application to React Query, avoiding all of the "global state" madness that normally happens!

  • The main branch contains the initial code we started with
  • The with-react-query branch contains the code we ended with after adding react-query
  • The #2 PR currently open in the repo shows the changes between the two


  • Convert the custom hooks used to fetch data to use useQuery
  • Implement per-screen background fetching indicators
  • Convert the custom hooks used to create/update/delete to use useMutation
  • Configure mutations to automatically invalidate related queries
  • Implement optimistic updates for mutations
  • Prefetch individual posts on hover using queryCache.prefetchQuery OR
  • Use initialData to show placeholder content for individual posts that pull from the parent posts query
  • Remove per-screen background fetching indicators and instead build a global refetching indicator
  • Dehydrate/hydrate the cache to and from localStorage using the react-query/hydration APIs

How do I develop on this?

  • Run yarn and then yarn dev locally.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
  • NOTE: The "database" used in this app is simply a JSON file and thus will not work as a deployed application. That said, you are more than welcome to hook it up to a real API if you want!

Why Next.js?

Read This 😁