
Book store application with React and Redux



Check it out live on Heroku: MERN Library with React and Redux

MERN Library Project with Redux

This is a full-stack project with Redux, written to be compatible with two different backend frameworks built using:

  • React as the frontend library + ReactStrap
  • Redux for state control


  • Express.js and Node.js as the backend server
  • MongoDB (through MLab) as the database

OR - An alternate compatible backend located here which uses:

  • Ruby on Rails as the backend server
  • SQLite3 as the database

You can add, delete, and edit books from the library as well as keep track of your current progress through your books.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes using the MERN stack with Express and MongoDB. (If you wish to use the Ruby on Rails backend API, go here.


This project runs on Node.js and uses the Node Package Manager (npm).


  • Clone the repo
  • cd into the folder
  • Run npm install and npm run client-install to install the necessary packages

Serve Project

Run the servers with the following command:

npm run dev

Once its running, head over to your browser to see the Library.

Deploy on Heroku

You can deploy the project on Heroku using the following steps:

  1. Create a Heroku Account
  2. On the terminal, run heroku create to create a new app
  3. Run git push heroku master to start a deployment on Heroku.
  4. Visit your project URL as assigned by Heroku (heroku open) to see a live deployment of the app.
