
Data dependency loading and updating for React Router applications.

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React Router Async Props

Data dependency loading and updating for React Router applications.


This is a work in progress, we're going to try it out in one of our apps @instructure, see how it goes.

This library assumes Promise is available as a global.


// using flux terminology for shared vocabulary, but this library does
// not have any opinion about flux

var {
  RouteHandler, // <-- not the usual RouteHandler!
} = require('react-router-async-props');

var Groups = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    asyncProps: {
      groups: {
        load () {
          return GroupsStore.fetchAll();
        setup (onChange) {
        teardown (onChange) {

  render () {
    var groups = => <li>{}</li>);
    return <ul>{groups}</ul>;

var FriendsHandler = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    asyncProps: {
      friends: {

        // load is called before anything renders, and every time data
        // changes, so you'll probably want caching in the routine here
        load () {
          return FriendStore.fetchAll(); // return a promise (sorry)

        // called when the route handler is first mounted
        setup (onChange) {
          // when onChange is called, the app rerenders from the top,
          // calling "load" on all async props again

        // called when the route handler is unmounted
        teardown (onChange) {

      // get child dependencies (a bit like relay minus graphql)
      groups: Groups.asyncProps.groups

  render () {
    // value from `asyncProps[key].load` shows up on `this.props[key]`
    var friends = => <li>{}</li>);
    return (
        <Groups groups={this.props.groups}/>

var AppHandler = React.createClass({
  statics: {
    asyncProps: {
      user: {
        load () {
          return UserStore.fetch();

  render () {
    // only the props that a handler asks for are relayed to it, this
    // `AppHandler` does not get the async props for the FriendList,
    // they aren't coallesced and given to everybody. Each route handler
    // is an entry point into the app and have no dependencies on
    // eachother.
    return (
        <h1>Welcome {}</h1>
        <RouteHandler/> {/* <-- must be from this lib, not the router */}

var routes = (
  <Route handler={AppHandler}>
    <Route name="friends" handler={FriendsHandler}/>

// Same signature as, except for the 4th argument which is the
// aggregate promise of all asyncProp loaders. You can use this to handle
// loading errors.
var { HistoryLocation } = require('react-router');
run(routes, HistoryLocation, (Handler, state, asyncProps, loader) => {
  React.render(<Handler/>, document.body);

  loader.then(null, function(error) {
    // handle error


The error handling from using promises is driving me nuts, so expect the load hook to send a callback instead of ask for a promise in the near future, but promises make waiting on all the load hooks really trivial.

I'd also like the onChange to be smarter and not cause a rerender from the top, but only on the route handler that has changed data.


npm install
npm run examples
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