
⚛️ Drop in markdown rendering and syntax highlighting for React.


React Smackdown

React Smackdown is the easiest way to render markdown as html in React. With a single component and string of markdown, you get server-side-compatible JSX, complete with syntax highlighting. This is made possible with the following amazing libraries:


  • React or Preact
  • Blazing fast.
  • Custom Markdown-to-React Renderers
  • Server-side-rendering compatible
  • Themeable and Extensible


# yarn
$ yarn add react-smackdown
# npm
$ npm install --save react-smackdown


Use the <Markdown> component to render markdown and also handle syntax highlighting automatically.


  • source: String (Required) - The markdown string you want to render
  • renderers: Object - An object of optional renderers ({tag: component}), used to render any tags encountered in the markdown.
  • markdownConfig: Object - An optional configuration object for the underlying showdown instance.
  • syntax: Object - Optional props that will be forwarded to the Code component for any syntax in the markdown
  • highlightInline: Boolean - Defaults to true. If true, will also highlight any inline code blocks.
import { Markdown, loadLanguages } from 'react-smackdown'

// Import any non-default RePrism languages you need:
import jsx from 'reprism/languages/jsx'
import bash from 'reprism/languages/bash'
import go from 'reprism/languages/go'

// Import any Prism-compatible theme. We even have our own "smackdown" themes!
import 'smackdown/themes/smackdown-dark.css'
// or  'smackdown/themes/smackdown-light.css'

// Load the languages into smackdown (via RePrism)
loadLanguages(jsx, bash, go)

const someMarkdown = `
  # Hello!

  This is some **markdown** with some code!

    const foo = 'bar'

    const foo = <div>Hello!</div>

    $ npm install react-smackdown

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("hello world")


The above code would produce this markdown:


This is some markdown with some code!

const foo = "bar";
const foo = <div>Hello!</div>;
$ npm install react-smackdown
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello world")

React Renderers

If you want to use your own components to render markdown, it's easy! Just provide an object of tag-to-component values to the renderers prop.

Important Note: If you override the pre or code tag renderers, you will most likely break the automatic syntax highlighting!

import { Markdown } from "smackdown";

const renderers = {
  a: ({ href, }) => <Link to={href} {} />



If you don't need to render any markdown, but still want syntax highlighting, you can use the <Code> component directly!


  • source: String (Required) - The code string you want to highlight and render
  • language: String (Recommended) - Defaults to markup. The reprism language you want to use to highlight the source.
  • component: String | Component - Defaults to pre The component you want to use to render the outer element. Change this to code if you need to do inline rendering of code.
  • showLineNumbers: Boolean - Defaults to true
import { Code } from "smackdown";

const source = `
  const foo = 'bar'

  if (foo) {
    console.log('I has foo!')


The above example would produce this code block:

const foo = "bar";

if (foo) {
  console.log("I has foo!");