
react wrapper components for smooth-dnd

MIT License



A fast and lightweight drag&drop, sortable library for React with many configuration options covering many d&d scenarios. It uses css transitions for animations so it's hardware accelerated whenever possible.

This library consists wrapper React components over smooth-dnd library.

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import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Container, Draggable } from 'react-smooth-dnd';

class SimpleSortableList extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Container onDrop={this.props.onDrop}>
          { => {
            return (
              <Draggable key={}>



Component that contains the draggable elements or components. Each of its children should be wrapped by Draggable component


Property Type Default Description
children Draggable null React children prop. Should be of type Draggable.
orientation string vertical Orientation of the container. Can be horizontal or vertical.
behaviour string move Property to describe weather the dragging item will be moved or copied to target container. If drop-zone is set no draggable will slide when container dragged over. Can be move or copy or drop-zone or contain
groupName string undefined Draggables can be moved between the containers having the same group names. If not set container will not accept drags from outside. This behaviour can be overriden by shouldAcceptDrop function. See below.
lockAxis string undefined Locks the movement axis of the dragging. Possible values are x, y or undefined.
dragHandleSelector string undefined Css selector to test for enabling dragging. If not given item can be grabbed from anywhere in its boundaries.
nonDragAreaSelector string undefined Css selector to prevent dragging. Can be useful when you have form elements or selectable text somewhere inside your draggable item. It has a precedence over dragHandleSelector.
dragBeginDelay number 0 (200 for touch devices) Time in milisecond. Delay to start dragging after item is pressed. Moving cursor before the delay more than 5px will cancel dragging.
animationDuration number 250 Animation duration in milisecond. To be consistent this animation duration will be applied to both drop and reorder animations.
autoScrollEnabled boolean true First scrollable parent will scroll automatically if dragging item is close to boundaries.
dragClass string undefined Class to be added to the ghost item being dragged. The class will be added after it's added to the DOM so any transition in the class will be applied as intended.
dropClass string undefined Class to be added to the ghost item just before the drop animation begins.
removeOnDropOut boolean undefined When set true onDrop will be called with a removedIndex if you drop element out of any relevant container
dropPlaceholder boolean,object undefined Options for drop placeholder. className, animationDuration, showOnTop
onDragStart function undefined See descriptions below
onDragEnd function undefined See descriptions below
onDropReady function undefined See descriptions below
onDrop function undefined See descriptions below
getChildPayload function undefined See descriptions below
shouldAnimateDrop function undefined See descriptions below
shouldAcceptDrop function undefined See descriptions below
onDragEnter function undefined See descriptions below
onDragLeave function undefined See descriptions below
getGhostParent function undefined See descriptions below
render function undefined See descriptions below


The function to be called by all container when drag start.

function onDragStart({isSource, payload, willAcceptDrop}) {


  • isSource : boolean : true if it is called by the container which drag starts from otherwise false.
  • payload : object : the payload object that is returned by getChildPayload function. It will be undefined in case getChildPayload is not set.
  • willAcceptDrop : boolean : true if the dragged item can be dropped into the container, otherwise false.


The function to be called by all container when drag ends. Called before onDrop function

function onDragEnd({isSource, payload, willAcceptDrop}) {


  • isSource : boolean : true if it is called by the container which drag starts from, otherwise false.
  • payload : object : the payload object that is returned by getChildPayload function. It will be undefined in case getChildPayload is not set.
  • willAcceptDrop : boolean : true if the dragged item can be dropped into the container, otherwise false.


The function to be called by the container which is being drag over, when the index of possible drop position changed in container. Basically it is called each time the draggables in a container slides for opening a space for dragged item. dropResult is the only parameter passed to the function which contains the following properties.

function onDropReady(dropResult) {
  const { removedIndex, addedIndex, payload, element } = dropResult;


  • dropResult : object
    • removedIndex : number : index of the removed children. Will be null if no item is removed.
    • addedIndex : number : index to add droppped item. Will be null if no item is added.
    • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.
    • element : DOMElement : the DOM element that is moved


The function to be called by any relevant container when drop is over. (After drop animation ends). Source container and any container that could accept drop is considered relevant. dropResult is the only parameter passed to the function which contains the following properties.

function onDrop(dropResult) {
  const { removedIndex, addedIndex, payload, element } = dropResult;


  • dropResult : object
    • removedIndex : number : index of the removed children. Will be null if no item is removed.
    • addedIndex : number : index to add droppped item. Will be null if no item is added.
    • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.
    • element : DOMElement : the DOM element that is moved


The function to be called to get the payload object to be passed onDrop function.

function getChildPayload(index) {
  return {


  • index : number : index of the child item


  • payload : object


The function to be called by the target container to which the dragged item will be droppped. Sometimes dragged item's dimensions are not suitable with the target container and dropping animation can be wierd. So it can be disabled by returning false. If not set drop animations are enabled.

function shouldAnimateDrop(sourceContainerOptions, payload) {
  return false;


  • sourceContainerOptions : object : options of the source container. (parent container of the dragged item)
  • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.


  • boolean : true / false


The function to be called by all containers before drag starts to determine the containers to which the drop is possible. Setting this function will override the groupName property and only the return value of this function will be taken into account.

function shouldAcceptDrop(sourceContainerOptions, payload) {
  return true;


  • sourceContainerOptions : object : options of the source container. (parent container of the dragged item)
  • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.


  • boolean : true / false


The function to be called by the relevant container whenever a dragged item enters its boundaries while dragging.

function onDragEnter() {


The function to be called by the relevant container whenever a dragged item leaves its boundaries while dragging.

function onDragLeave() {


The function to be called to get the element that the dragged ghost will be appended. Default parent element is the container itself. The ghost element is positioned as 'fixed' and appended to given parent element. But if any anchestor of container has a transform property, ghost element will be positioned relative to that element which breaks the calculations. Thats why if you have any transformed parent element of Containers you should set this property so that it returns any element that has not transformed parent element.

function getGhostParent() {
  // i.e return document.body;


By default Container uses a div element for component root. You can define what to render as root element by using render function. If render function is set, children prop of Container will be ignored and return value of the render will be used to render draggables.

function render(ref) {
  // return ReactElement


  • ref : object : React reference object created by React.createRef()


  • React Element
<Container render={(ref) => {
  return (
    <ul ref={ref}> your <Draggable/> components here


Wrapper component for Container's children. Every draggable element should be wrapped with Draggable component.

Make sure to set unique key to Draggable especially when it contains other Container components


Property Type Default Description
render function undefined See descriptions below


By default Draggable uses a div element for component root. You can define what to render as root element by using render function. If render function is set, children prop of Draggable will be ignored and return value of the render will be used to render draggable.

<Draggable render={() => {
  return (


  • ref : object : React reference object created by React.createRef()


  • React Element