
react-static plugin to create nested pages from a given source directory

MIT License



A react-static plugin to create nested pages from a given source directory.


$ yarn add react-static-plugin-md-pages
# or
npm install --save react-static-plugin-md-pages


Add the plugin to your static.config.js in the plugins array.

// static.config.js
export default {
  plugins: [
        location: './docs', // path to markdown files' directory
        pathPrefix: '', // prefix for added react-static routes (if any)
        template: './src/template.js', // path to React template component
        remarkPlugins: [], // add additional remark plugins here

Your markdown file may contain frontmatter data. This data will be reflected in the data you'll get from this plugin's React API.

An example will look like this:

title: architecture
order: 1
template: ../src/components/template.js

All of these properties are optional. The title may be used to change the page's title, but by default the plugin will generate a title from your first h1 heading in your markdown file.

The order property specifies the order in which your markdown files will be sorted in, which will be reflected in the React API as well.

Lastly, the template property may be used to override the default React template component that this specific page is using. The path must be relative to the current file.

Default Markdown Transformations

There are a couple of changes and features that will be applied to your markdown content automatically. It's best to be aware of them before adding your own remark plugins.

Relative Links Fixes

If you're adding links to your markdown files they'll be transformed to automatically point at the react-static routes this plugin creates, so that your markdown files may remain compatible with GitHub for instance. These links will be transformed:

[Some link](./
[Some other link](./folder/

And end up being this in react-static:

[Some link](./other-route)
[Some other link](./folder)

Note: This does not apply to <a> tags in your markdown file!

Automatic Image Importing

When you're adding images to your markdown, they'll be automatically imported and sent through the Webpack pipeline, so you won't have to reference images in your public folder absolutely.

![This image will be imported!](./some-logo.png)

Note: This does not apply to <img> tags in your markdown file!

Addings anchor id props to headings

All headings (h1, h2, h3, ...) will have an added id prop that contains their sluggified string contents. The slugger we use is github-slugger.

# Before

<h1 id="after">After</h1>

Howver, you won't need to generate these slugs in your app code again if you plan on using anchor tags. The data that the React API returns contains headings and slug data for any given markdown page.

Plugin Options

location (path to source directory)

The plugin will scan the given location folder directory for .md files which will be added to react-static as individual pages. The directories the markdown file is located in and the filename itself will be taken into account when adding routes.

The search itself starts from the react-static root that is configured in config.paths.root (which defaults to the current working directory).

For instance, if location is set to ./docs and the given list of files is the following:

|- docs
   |- basics
   |- advanced

The output of routes will be:

  • /getting-started
  • /basics/installation
  • /advanced (index route)
  • /api

Any file that is named or (case-insensitive) will be considered an index route. So in the example above ./docs/advanced/ became /advanced instead of /advanced/readme.

pathPrefix (base path prefix for routes)

If this option is set, all routes will be prefixed with what you pass to this option. For instance, setting it to docs will turn /getting-started to /docs/getting-started.

template (the React template component path)

Like with routes in react-static's getRoutes, you'll likely want to wrap your markdown content in React components. This may be done by pointing template at your template component, e.g. ./src/components/template.js.

When rendered the component will receive the markdown content as JSX, the content will be passed as the children prop.

An example for a component may look like the following:

// ./src/components/template.js
export default ({ children }) => (

remarkPlugins (a list of remark plugins)

Your markdown files will be parsed using remark before being converted to JSX on the client-side. You may pass more remark plugins that your markdown will be run through during build time.

  remarkPlugins: [
    [require('remark-emoji'), { padSpaceAfter: true }]

order (override the order of pages)

This may be used to override the order of some pages, which is useful for folders that need sorting, but don't have index files ( or

The order config can be set to an object of routeName to a number, where the route's name is either a folder name or a filename.

Since by default the order is alphabetic, if you have two folders, one named basics/ and one named advanced/, you can swap their order as so:

  order: {
    basics: 0,
    advanced: 1,

React API


This plugin provides two hooks useMarkdownPage and useMarkdownTree. The former returns information about the current page's markdown data and the latter returns a nested tree of all markdown pages.

The useMarkdownPage hook is available as long as you are on any of the markdown page, useMarkdownTree is available in any react-static page.

// => Page

// => { ...Page, key: string, children: Page[] }

As shown above, the tree version of the hook returns additional data apart from the common Page data, which also contains a key — the node's directory or filename — and children — the child Pages or nodes.

A Page is an object that contains more information about the markdown file. Specifically it'll contain:

  • path: The route to the page, including the pathPrefix (if any has been set)
  • originalPath: The original path to the markdown file (which is useful as a unique key)
  • frontmatter: The JSON object of frontmatter data (*normalized)
  • headings: A list of all h1, h2, and h3 headings in the markdown file

The frontmatter data is normalised. This means that when your markdown file doesn't have any frontmatter data it'll still be provided, and when you left out frontmatter.title it will default to the page's first h1 heading.

The headings array contains all h1, h2, and h3 headings as objects. These objects have a value property (the stringified content of the heading), a slug property (the slugified content of the heading), and a depth property (1 | 2 | 3 depending on the level of the heading.)

Adding an MDX Provider

The JSX that the markdown content is rendered as internally uses @mdx-js/react. By default it will render out as normal HTML-ified markdown content. However, it's possible to use the MDXProvider from @mdx-js/react to modify the output.

Read more about the MDXProvider in the MDX guides.

Maintenance Status

Experimental: This project is quite new. We're not sure what our ongoing maintenance plan for this project will be. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome. If you like this project, let us know!

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