
Performance demo of tables in React

MIT License




  • You have two buttons for fetching small or large data set whenever you
  • You can switch between "regular" render or virtualized render. ⚠️
    Note that when disabling virtualized render the page will freeze a
    few seconds because of the huge amount of elements from the data set
    that will be rendered!
  • Sort any column (only once at a time) by clicking in the column head
    to sort asc, sort desc and remove sort
  • Filter by titles on the fly


  • react-scripts: this is Create React App, the quickest and easiest way of starting a new React project
  • react-window: for virtualizing the table as it would be too heavy to
    render the whole large data set when we only need to render what the
    user can see in the viewport (you can check this yourself when
    toggling the "Use virtualization" option)
  • prettier: just for autoformatting the code
  • husky and lint-staged: for autoformatting the code when committing
  • prop-types: include props info for React components
  • lodash: I only want some utils from lodash but they recommend to
    install the whole package (and it was already in the project as a
    dependency of babel). I'm using orderBy util for sorting and
    deburr for sanitizing strings.
  • classnames: util for merging different classNames in a component
    under different conditions

Technical decisions

  • Showing ellipsis for each cell when content doesn't fit: to avoid
    rows too high I'm fixing a narrow value and then hiding overflow
    content with an ellipsis so you can see more rows at the same time. I
    assumed it's more important to be able to see several rows than see
    the full info about each cell as that could imply just seeing 3 or 4
    at the same time. You are still able to see the full content by
    hovering the mouse in a particular cell with content (through title
  • Fixing table and rows height: these two have been fixed because of
    the virtualization as the height of the table and the rows must be
    known. I could have play around with dynamic row heights but I think
    is out of the scope of the test. Additionally, having a table height
    fixed will help to see the rows while not loosing the heads and action
  • Non-responsive table: as mentioned in the test description, this
    table is not supposed to work on mobile or being responsive, so I just
    made sure it works fine with a viewport greater than 992px, which
    bootstrap and other UI framework consider as the minimum width for
    desktops. Anyway, the columns widths are fixed with percentages so it
    will look better in wider screens.
  • Custom table elements: I didn't use the HTML table element
    because of the limitation from virtualizing the list (responsiveness
    wouldn't be a problem with table tag from the previous point), so I
    made my custom table layout with divs elements and flex styling. I
    could have used some UI framework for it but it was a simple layout so
    I coded it myself.
  • Filtering: Really simple for this one as I just filter by checking
    if the title includes the value the user entered and then keep the
    filtered movies as a draft in a temporary state so the sorting can be
    applied later. Here I'm doing insensitive comparison, trimming the
    strings and deburring characters. Ideally I would delegate this to
    corresponding API too but obviously that's not possible for this test.
  • Sorting: I'm relying on lodash.orderBy for this and the sorting
    process is quite fast so the table is rendered sorted almost
    instantly. The sort is always executed over the filtered movies list
    but the performance is really good anyway. There are still some edge
    cases to address for strings with special characters at the start of
    the values but most of them are addressed properly as insensitive
    comparison, trim strings and deburr characters. Ideally I would
    delegate this to corresponding API too but obviously that's not
    possible for this test.


  • Sanitize fields for sorting: removing weird chars from the beginning
  • Handle fetch errors
  • Apply debouncing while user type on filter title input so table do the
    filtering when user has stopped writing (500ms for example) and we
    avoid weird re-renders
  • Extract filtering and sorting process into its own hook