
react utilities for simple i18n

MIT License



Internationalization for react

Getting started

$ npm install --save react-translate
# or
$ yarn add react-translate


With hooks

import { TranslatorProvider, useTranslate } from "react-translate"

let translations = {
  locale: "en",
  Home: {
    "HELLO": "Helloworld!"

function Home() {
  let t = useTranslate("Home");
  return <h1> {t("HELLO")} </h1>

function App() {
  return (
    <TranslatorProvider translations={translations}>
      <Home />

With legacy API

import { TranslatorProvider, translate } from "react-translate"

let translations = {
  locale: "en",
  Home: {
    "HELLO": "Helloworld!"

let Home = function({t}) {
  return <h1> {t("HELLO")} </h1>

Home = translate("Home")(Home);

function App() {
  return (
    <TranslatorProvider translations={translations}>
      <Home />


<TranslatorProvider translations={object} />

Provides the translation data for descendant components.

import { render } from "react-dom";
import { TranslatorProvider } from "react-translate";

// …

  <TranslatorProvider translations={translations}>
    <App />


Returns a t function that returns translations under namespace.


Wraps a component and passes a t function as a prop.


  • namespace (String)


const Header = ({ t }) => <div> {t("TITLE")} </div>;

export default translate("Header")(Header);

t(key [, params])

The t function is the one that returns your translations given the key, and optionally some parameters.

// for a simple key
t("KEY"); // "value"
// for a key with a parameter
t("KEY", { foo: "bar" }); // replaces "{{foo}}" in the translation with "bar"
// for a key with a numeral parameter, which makes `t` choose between singular
// and plural
t("KEY", { n: 2 });

Organizing the translations object

Translations should be grouped by component:

const translations = {
  // the `locale` parameter is mandatory, it enables react-translate to use
  // the right rules for singular and plural
  locale: "fr",
  ComponentName: {
    SIMPLE_KEY: "Helloworld",
    KEY_WITH_PARAMS: "Hello {{name}}",
    KEY_WITH_PLURAL: ["You have {{n}} message", "You have {{n}} messages"]

How do I load translations ?

ReactTranslate does not give you a specific way to load translations, its goal is only to provide a way to pass translations down to your app components'.

You can use a simple XHR call, put translations in a <script> in your HTML page, or any other way you find adequate.