
Simple Wedding Invitation React.js Web App

MIT License


React Wedding Card



$ sudo npm install -g yarn
$ yarn


$ npm start

Build & Deploy (using GitHub Page)

  • build/* . GitHub Page .
  • create-react-app gh-pages . (package.json )
  • `package.json` `homepage`    . #
$ npm run build
$ npm run deploy

Edit Contents

  • src/config.js .

config.js (export default Object)

  • const gallery (array):
  • global (obejct)
    • googleMapAPIKey: Google Map API Key . Hostname Allow .
    • comment (object): (LiveRe) Facebook . enable . .
      • LiveRe: uid (city or premium) . city SNS .
      • Facebook: App Id . Hostname .
    • title (string): . .
  • wedding (object): .
    • place (object): .
    • at (string): YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm . Moment.js YYYY MM DD () HH mm .
  • bridal and groom (obejct): .
    • image (image): . CSS 1:1 ..
    • phone (string): SMS .
    • facebook (string): . false .
  • image (object): .
    • header (image): .
    • gallery (array): const gallery .

HTML & Open Graph

  • HTML Open Grpah Meta Tag public/index.html . .
  • Open Graph public/og_image.jpg index.html og:image Meta Property content . URL .
  • Facebook Open Grpah Debugger Open Grpah .

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.