
Chrome Extension for the Read in Future app

MIT License


Read In Future!

Get it on Chrome Webstore

What's this about?

A simple way of adding URLs or simple notes for seeing in the future. This is the Chrome Extension of the whole package (WebApp, Extension, Android).

What it does?

Lets you add the current page plus an comment (optional) for further reading and syncs it to your account on the cloud (if you have one). If it is not the current page that you want to save it, just override the name.

Latter you can check the links you have to and just have read. Simple like that.

If reading a page that has been add to the Database and is not set as read then At the top it'll show an action button for marking it as read. (Will be possible to be deactivated on the settings).

How to run it?

There's minimum headache for running it from the repo. The steps are:

  1. Go to chrome://extensions
  2. Turn Developer Mode on
  3. Click Load Unpacked extension and select the directory

as described here.

If everything went OK than you'll see a new icon just right to the navigation bar.

For the full development environment it will also be required to install NodeJS.

  • Install NodeJS 0.4+

  • Install the packages that the project depends on:

$ npm install
  • Run the task runner to build the minified files that the htmls depends on:
$ grunt build
  • Check if the linting is ok and test passes:
$  npm test

ps: the project lacks of unit tests and ui tests yet :( I'm aiming to remake a lot of stuff doing TDD


  • It is beeing used some tools for automating things here: testing, minifying and linting are being done automatically on Grunt, which is an amazing tool that you should consider using (task runner rules!). It runs on NodeJS which is also awesome.

  • As i'll say at contributing, this project is about learning. That's why i tried to use some cool stuff that are being used in big projects. These cool stuff that i refer to are: grunt(automation with tasks) and nodejs(for the server-side and also instalation of packages).

  • Yes, this will be heavily commented


I'll be really pleased if you contribute to the project. Just a note:

  • From the conception i want to make things simple and self-taught, that is,
    keep it as an application that its purpose is more for learning than for being
    a killer one.