
A complete React Redux starterkit, configured with Webpack, stop wasting time configuring, adopt it and just code

MIT License



A complete React Redux starterkit, configured with Webpack

  • ReactJS
  • Redux
  • Webpack 4
  • Babel 7
  • Stylus
  • HMR
  • Code Splitting with React.lazy & React.Suspense
  • Code Formatter (Prettier)
  • Legacy & modern browser output build
  • Eslint configured extended with Airbnb style guide & support for prettier
  • Jest & Enzyme Configured
  • Automatically lint & format code, when committing it. [Husky/Lint-Staged]
  • Progressive Web App


Install Project :

yarn setup

---> Remove git repository, install dependencies, and set package.json infos

Available command lines

yarn start                  // Start dev server
yarn build                  // Compile Project
yarn build:srv              // Compile Project && Launch server for testing new build

yarn test                   // Execute tests with Jest
yarn test:watch             // Execute tests with Jest an watch mode
yarn test:coverage          // Generate coverage report based on the tests

yarn commit                 // Run Commitizen to write beautiful commits
yarn release                // Run standard-version which generate changelog from commits names and increment release version
yarn post-release [branch]  // Push to remote branch with tags

Also, you can use this command to speed up your workflow :

yarn mk [action] <component name || array of components> [options]

It use mk-react-comp without global install. Full details and documentation on the webpage


React Default Components Description
React-intl Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
React Modal React Modal Component
React Notification React Notification Component
React Carousel React Carousel Component
React-simple-dropdown Non-prescriptive React.js dropdown toolkit
Redux-form The best way to manage your form state in Redux
React-Paginate A ReactJS component to render a pagination
React Sticky Sticky component for awesome React apps
Redux Persist Persist and rehydrate a redux store
React Helmet A document head manager for React
React Loadable A higher order component for loading components with dynamic imports

Style Helper

Function / Class Description
Alignments flexbox(value = row) Add display: flex & flex-direction: $direction
justify(value = center) Add justify-content: $value
align(value = center) Add align-items: $value
 center(direction = row) Add all previous functions for perfect center alignment
wrap(wrap = wrap) change flex wrap
Fonts truncate() Truncate text on a single line
truncateMulti(font-size, line-height, lines-to-show) Truncate text on multilines
font-size(value) Remify font-size
Hidden .hidden Simple display: none
Shadow shadowDepth(n) Add box-shadow on different depth level (0 to 5, 0 being 'none')
Hoverable hover(bgColor, textColor, darkenValue = 12%) Define BG / text color and add darken color on :hover
hoverText(textcolor, darkenValue = 12%) Define text color and add darken color on :hover
shadowHover(depth = 1, hoverDepth = 3) Add box-shadow, and stronger box-shadow on :hover
Radius radius(value) Set border-radius on element


  • Add unit tests
  • Create CLI tool to choose between React or NextJs