
MIT License



Language processor for Recora project: a natural language calculator and spreadsheet replacement.

A rewrite of the previous version. Not quite production ready, there will be rough edges. To try the interactive version, clone, npm install and npm run cli.


  • Temperatures: they work for absolute temperatures, but temerature differences need to be tested
  • Tests: we only have an end-to-end test, which does test a lot of things, but individual components should be tested in isolation
  • Locales: allow comma decimal points, UK/US date formats
  • Data: theres a lot of units not accounted for
  • Benchmarking: zero attempt has been made for performance so far


See note on it being a rewrite. Some of these might not actually work yet.


Input Output
$60 per day for 3 days $180.00
$15 for the taxi $15.00
100 spending money 100.00


Input Output
100 hong kong dollar to euros 11.50
1 meter to yards 1.09 yards

Complicated conversions

Input Output
12 stone 8 pounds to kg 79.8 kilograms
190cm to feet and inches 6 feet 3 inches
5 ounces at 4.50/kg 0.64
70 kilometers doing 55 miles per gallon at 2 euros per liter to gbp 5.16

Date and timezones

Input Output
21st Sept 2015 until 18th Dec 2016 to hours 10,896 hours
5pm 22nd June 2016 London in New York Wed Jun 22 2016 12:00:00 GMT-0400 (Not available in demo)


Input Output
sin(3) 0.141
sinh(4) 27.3
asinh(27.3) 4
sinc^2(0.4) 0.948
log(8) 2.08
tanc(7) 0.124

Colour functions

Input Output
red + green #ff8000
darken(#f00, 30%) #660000
mix(#333, #555) #444444
#500 * #333 #110000
dodge(#400, #800) #b90000
#444 to rgb rgb(68, 68, 68)
#444 to hsl hsl(0, 0%, 27%)

Code Overview

The process is simple: we take input, put it through a tokeniser, generate an abstract syntax tree, and process then the result.

The tokeniser is somewhat unconventional, as it generates multiple interpretations of tokens. For example, 1/12/2000 could be interpreted as a date, or as 1 divided by 12 divided by 2000. The tokeniser will prioritise the different interpretations of tokens: in the previous example, the date would be prioritised.

For every interpretation, we generate an abstract syntax tree (AST), which represents the operations that must be performed. Generating an AST can also fail: for example, if you only had two tokens, a number, and a addition operator (+), there isnt a suitable AST.

Lastly, for every AST generated, we perform all the operations. Again, this can fail: if you try to add 1 meter to 1 joule, the result is not defined.

The first result returned from this process is the result returned.


The tokeniser works very similar to Pygments. Similar to Pygments, each rule has,

  • match: a regular expression or string to match the current text
  • token: a token object or a function to create a token object
  • push and pop to edit the parsing stack

We also have a userState object, which is provided as an argument to token functions, and can be updated with updateState. Currently, the userState is only used for calculating the bracket levels for syntax highlighting. I wouldnt recommend doing anything complicated with it.

The biggest difference is that every rule also has a penalty. This is because as noted before, the tokeniser generates multiple interpretations of tokens. Positive penalties indicate you dont want the token to be interpreted by the rule, and negative penalities indicate if you do. To get the date example before to take priority over three numbers and two divide symbols, the penalty for a date date must be less than the sum of the penalties of the alternatives.

AST Transformation

We now have an array of tokens, and we want to build the AST. We create a list of rules that match and transform token patterns into nodes. The terminology here is that tokens were generated by the previous step, and nodes are created by this step.

To match cases of tokens, we use something similar to regular expressions: we have capture groups, wildcards, and patterns. To match an addition case, like 1 + 1, wed look for any amount of non-addition tokens, a single addition token, and any amount of tokens. Like regular expressions, this gives us capture groups: for this example, wed have three.

When we match a case, we perform a transform. The transform takes capture groups, and can either return an array of new tokens, which will then continue AST transformation; a single token, which will not continue AST transformation; or null, which will not continue AST transformation, and will mark the AST invalid. Invalid ASTs will not be resolved.

In the addition example: 1 + 2, the capture groups would be 1, + and 2 in order. Wed return a single add node with an arguments property being the first and last capture groups.

Each transformer can do multiple iterations, and run recursive operations. If we had 1 + 2 + 3, wed match the first addition operator to give the left-hand-side as 1 and the right as 2 + 3. The right-hand-side would be recursively transformed using the same rule, and give an addition token. The first addition node would then have the left-hand-side be a number, and the right be an addition node.

We use multiple transformers to create operator precedence: for example, you would do addition before multiplication (BODMAS in reverse).


The AST represents the exact operations that must be performed, so this step is mostly nothing more than performing the operations. However, for expressions with no clear AST representation, such as 1 foot 3 inches, this gets put in a miscellaneous group: in this case, 1 meter and 3 inches. When resolving these groups, heuristics are used to determine the best thing to do. In this case, because they are both lengths, they are added. However, they can also be multiplied or divided.

Adding New Types


For this example, well be adding an emotion type. The first thing well need to do is extend the tokeniser to recognise some new tokens. The tokeniser is currently split into two parts: purely generic tokens, such as operators like + and -, and english tokens, which can handle units. Its not too important at the moment, as only English is supported, but in either one, we can add our own types.

To get emoticons to show up as tokens, well need to make the following edits to tokenTypes.js and tokenizer.js.

// tokenTypes.js
// tokenizer.js
import { TOKEN_HAPPY, TOKEN_SAD } from './tokenTypes';

export default {
  emoticons: [
    { match: ':)', token: { type: TOKEN_EMOTICON, value: 1 }, penalty: -10000 },
    { match: ':(', token: { type: TOKEN_EMOTICON, value: -1 }, penalty: -10000 },
  default: [

The penalty is somewhat arbitrary; however, it must be less than the sum of the penalties for both brackets and colons in this case.

AST Transformation

Now well need to transform the tokens into nodes. Well need to define the node type, but well do that in the next step. For now, well use the PatternMatcher module to find the emoticon tokens, and transform it.

// transformers/emoticon.js
import { Pattern, CaptureOptions, CaptureWildcard } from '../modules/patternMatcher';
import { NODE_EMOTION } from '../modules/math/types';
import { TOKEN_HAPPY, TOKEN_SAD } from '../tokenTypes';

export default {
  pattern: new Pattern([
    new CaptureOptions([TOKEN_HAPPY, TOKEN_SAD]).negate().lazy().any(),
    new CaptureOptions([TOKEN_HAPPY, TOKEN_SAD]),
    new CaptureWildcard().lazy().any(),
  transform: (captureGroups, transform) => transform([
  ], segments => (
      { type: NODE_EMOTION, happiness: captureGroups[1].value, },


Well now need to implement this in the math module. Firstly, well need to define the node type,

// modules/math/types/index.js
export type EmotionNode = Node &
  { type: 'NODE_EMOTION', happiness: number };

we need to add the type to the resolver, otherwise any AST with this node will return null when resolved. If your type has special logic, like functions, you can do that here. For this one, we dont need to do anything other than return the value.

// modules/math/resolve.js
import { NODE_EMOTION } from './types';

const resolver = {
  resolve(value: Node): ?Node {
    switch (value.type) {
      case NODE_EMOTION:
        return value;
        return null;

If your type has functions relating to it, we can define any functions in the functions folder. Operators (+, - etc.) are defined in terms of functions, so to get :) + :( to work, well need to add an add function.

Well also need to expose them in the function definitions: this is just an array of tuples, where each tuple contains the function name, the argument types, and a reference to the actual function. Strictly speaking, the function definitions are all we need to export, but it is useful to export all functions as stand-alone functions, as other nodes may need to use the functions.

// modules/math/functions/emotion.js
import { NODE_EMOTION } from '../types';
import { FUNCTION_ADD } from '.';

export const add = (
  context: ResolverContext,
  left: EmotionNode,
  right: EmotionNode
): EmotionNode => {
  return { type: NODE_EMOTION, happiness: left.happiness + right.happiness };

// Array of [functionName, [...argumentTypes], function]
export default [
// modules/math/functions/definitions.js
import emotion from './emotion';

export default [].concat(


Now that weve implemented the type, we need to make a stringifier for the type should it be the outcome of resolving. In this case, we can assume this does not change for locales. Well need to make edits in the math-formatter module.

// modules/math-formatter/defaultFormatter.js
import { NODE_EMOTION } from '../math/types';

export default {
  [NODE_EMOTION]: (context, formattingHints, emotion) => {
    if (emotion.happiness >= 2) return ':D';
    if (emotion.happiness === 1) return ':)';
    if (emotion.happiness === 0) return ':|';
    if (emotion.happiness === -1) return ':(';
    if (emotion.happiness <= -2) return ":'(";

And that should be all! Depending on what youre doing, you can do as few or as many of the steps as needed: if youre just adding new date formats, youll only need to extend the tokeniser.