

Reddit Api Clone - (Part 1)

This repo is for a series called 'Build a Reddit API Clone' You can follow this YouTube series at Build a Reddit API Clone - Part 1.


  1. Basic understanding of how Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
  • If you don't feel comfortable with with your skills with either Node.js / Express.js / MongoDB or just want a refresher there are some awesome tutorials to get you up and running that are linked below.
    • What is Node.js Exactly? by
    • Node.js Tutorial for absolute beginners by Traversy Media
    • Express Tutorial by Derek Banas
    • ExpressJS Crash Course by Traversy Media
    • MongoDB Tutorial by Derek Banas
    • NodeJS MongoDB Tutorial by Derek Banas
  1. A running instance of MongoDB
  • Install MongoDB Community Edition on OS X
  • Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows
  • You also have the option of creating a sandbox MongoDB instance on mLab or another MongoDB hosting service and connecting to that.
    • mLab
    • Connecting to mLab DB instance
  1. Download Postman to test and work with our API - Postman Download

  2. Clone this repo, run npm install, open repo in your text editor of choice, and run npm start now we're ready to go!

Bonus: Look over the Mongoose documentation.