
Catch up on all your favourite image subreddits with one call.

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Catch up on your favourite image subreddits

This is a simple node.js script that will automatically download all new images posted to your favourite public image subreddits (based on the subreddit RSS feed) since the last time you checked.

It can be run manually, or (which makes more sense) in a crob job that runs every hour or something to set up a persistent catch-up with some other utility looking at the download directory for "doing things with those images" (like moving them to the dir that your digital picture frame loads images from).

Install the dependencies

You need to have Node.js installed, so if you don't, you probably want to install that first. Or find a python script somewhere on github that does the same thing, but the whole reason I wrote this one is that all the python scripts are ancient and none of them work either with current Reddit, or Python 3. So... yeah.

As far as installing the script dependencies is concerned, npm install or yarn install should both work. The script needs about 17MB worth of dependencies, which sounds insane until you remember that Node has no RSS or HTML parsing built in, and it turns out that good parsers are not tiny. Then again, 17MB is basically a trivial amount of space in this day and age.

Running the script

There's not much to say; run it with node catch-up.js and you're pretty much done. The following flags are supported:

  • -c filename explicitly load the configuration from a file.
  • -s run a review server on http://localhost:12345 after catching up (port is not fixed)
  • -p run a review server on a specific port
  • --bypass skip the actual "catch up" part of the script.
  • --preserve perform catch-up but do not update the last-run timestamps

Note that this last option is really only useful in combination with the -s flag, to skip the downloading and simply fire up the curation server to do some weeding of images downloaded previously.

And of course that doesn't explain how to set up the configuration, which you'll want to know about in order to indicate which subreddits you want to catch up on, of course, so... Read on!

Setting up your configuration

In order for the catch-up script to work, it needs a config object to work with, which can be in one of three places:

  1. package.json
  2. config.json
  3. any file structured like config.json, loaded via the -c flag

1. Using package.json for your configuration

If you don't change anything, then the script will use the predefined config in this project's package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "fs-extra": "*",
    "node-fetch": "*",
    "jsdom": "*",
    "rss-parser": "*"
  "config": {
    "subreddits": {
      "birding/new": 0,
      "redpandas/new": 0,
      "natureporn/new": 0
    "domains": [
    "downloadPath": "downloads",
    "consolidate": false,
    "exclude": [

It's set up to catch you up on bird pictures, pictures of red pandas, and "nature porn", which is really just pretty landscape photography.

Explaining the configuration options

The obvious meat and potatoes is the subreddits list. Each subreddit has a name with optional subset (though I can't think of a reason why you'd pick /top or /hot rather than /new, if you're running a catching-up script...), and the numbers after each subreddit indicate the last time the catch-up script ran for that particular subreddit.

(If you ever want to redownload as far back as reddit will let you, just set those to 0 before running the script)

The domains value is an array of domains that we "know" are image hosts. If left off, the script assumes the same list as shown above, but maybe your particular subreddits have a different convention around where images get posted, in which case you'll want to ammend the domains list.

The downloadPath is where the catch-up script will be writing images to. Note that subdirectories will be created inside this directory for each subreddit you have in your list. This value is optional, and defaults to "downloads" if you leave it out.

The consolidate flag is used to tell the script whether or not to build subdirectories. When omitted, it is assumed false, but when set to true all images will be downloaded into the base downloadPath directory, rather than into each subreddit's own subdirectory. This can be useful when one of your configs is for, say, general nature photography, and you just want to dump everything into a "playlist" for a digital picture frame.

Finally, there is an exclude array for specifying a list of file extensions that you don't want downloaded. This value is optional, and defaults to an empty list if you leave it out.

2. Using config.json for your configuration

You can also create your own default configuration by creating a file called config.json and then putting the configuration JSON in that:

  "config": {
    "subreddits": {
      "birding/new": 0,
      "redpandas/new": 0,
      "natureporn/new": 0
    "domains": [
    "downloadPath": "./downloads",
    "consolidate": false,
    "exclude": [

Running node catch-up.js will always pick this file over the package.json configuration, if it exists.

3. Using a custom named config.json

Same as above, except you can give it any name you want, really. You'll just need to tell the script to run using that custom config, using a -c flag:

node catch-up.js -c yourfilenamehere -s

This can be useful if you want multiple thematic catch-up operations. For instance, one nature.json for all your natury photographs, and aww.json for all those puppy, kitten, and bunny photos.