
A starter kit for React + Redux web apps. Includes webpack, babel, react-router-redux, testing tooling and more.



NOTE: Please check out redux-starter-v2, which uses create-react-app as its foundation. This repo is not actively maintained. Now back to your regularly scheduled entertainment...

Many of the choices made in this starter app are documented in this blog post.

Looking to learn Redux? I walk through an example workflow here.


  • Clone this repo.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the dev server and visit http://localhost:5000 to see the app.

Note: Ctrl + H hides the Redux DevTools, Ctrl + W changes its position on the screen.


This starter app includes my choice configuration for:

  • React + Redux
  • Routing: react-router + react-router-redux
  • Tooling: webpack, babel, eslint, karma, hot loading, redux-devtools
  • Testing: mocha, expect, enzyme


This app is ready for deployment on Heroku. After creating a project on Heroku, configure the remote destination with: heroku git:remote -a <project-name>, then git push heroku master your way to glory.

An example deployment lives at