
Refactoring Koans to help you learn to refactor code smells in javascript

MIT License


Refactoring Koans

JavaScript edition

Setting up

First, clone this repository:

$ git clone

Make sure you have a recent version of node and npm installed.

Then, install the dependencies (only for running tests):

$ npm install

Run the Koans (tests)

$ npm test

Meditate on Koans

Go through directories/files in the order of their numbers (digits in front of the directory/file names).

Familiarize yourself with the code in non-spec file *.js (without .spec.).

Then switch to the Koan (test) file *.spec.js. Youll see that the first few tests are just checking that the program works.

Then youll see a bunch of xdescribe() blocks. These are the pending Koans (tests).

Go through them in order, one-by-one, top-to-bottom. To start solving a Koan, remove the x in front of describe, so it reads describe().

Once the test is passing, you can move to the next xdescribe. Make sure to read the descriptions of these xdescribes and their respective its, you can find a clue there.


The code is in simple NodeJS, without any transpilers.

While this is still a work in progress, feedback from you would be fantastic! You can do it in the issues, or on Twitter.

Finally, if you liked these koans, make sure to share it with your friends and following on social media!