
Git flow conventional releases

MIT License



Git flow conventional releases

release-flow is a command line tool that simplifies the developer side of software release process taking over tedious and error prone tasks.

release-flow mixes git flow releases with conventional commits to make release process safe and painless.


  • Based on commit conventions
  • Complements perfectly with CI tools
  • Flexible branching model
  • Pluggable design
  • Completely configurable and customizable
  • Stand-alone (gulp/grunt integration is possible)
  • Suitable for any kind of project and language (small apps, opensource projects, libs, enterprise applications)
  • Built in plugins for Changelog generation and NPM bumps


Globally (use from console)

npm i -g release-flow

As project dependency (use through npm script or programmatically)

npm i --save-dev release-flow

In your package.json

"scripts": {
  "release": "release-flow"


Start a release (from your development branch)

release-flow start


  • Fetches remote changes
  • Compute the next version bump from commits (ie. feat commit === minor)
  • Validates the operation (no uncommitted/untracked changes, no existing tag for the version)
  • Creates and checks out a new release branch
  • Commits (without pushing) any eventual changes made to start the release (ie. changelog, bump package.json)

Publish a release (from the new release branch)

release-flow publish

Finalize a release (from the release branch)

release-flow finish


  • Fetches remote changes
  • Validates the operation (no uncommitted/untracked changes)
  • Merges release branch on master
  • Tags master after the release version
  • Merges back to development (if different from master)

Start/Publish/Finish with one command (from your development branch)

release-flow full


Same then issuing release-flow start, release-flow publish and release-flow finish in sequence.

NOTE: This approach is especially suitable for libraries and small projects that does not require a QA phase on the release branch.

Supported Branching model

release-flow supports both the canonical git-flow branching model with develop/master and a simplified branching with just master.

Git flow model (default)
// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  developmentBranch: "develop",
  productionBranch: "master",
Simplified model
// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  developmentBranch: "master",
  productionBranch: "master",

Commit conventions

Release flow uses conventional commits to simplify the release process (computing next version, generating changelogs).

Conventional commits are commits with a specific message format:

type([scope]): message [BREAKING]


  • fix(homepage): fixed title alignment
  • feat: implemented user login
  • feat(api): BREAKING changed endpoint to list users
Default bump detection logic
  • Has one commit whose message contains BREAKINGmajor
  • Has one commit whose type is feat → minor
  • Otherwise → patch


release-flow loads a releaseflowrc javascript file to allow configuration.

The following is an extract of the default configuration file:

export default {
  developmentBranch: "develop",
  productionBranch: "master",
  releaseBranchPrefix: "release/",
  tagPrefix: "v",
  remoteName: "origin",
  logLevel: "info",
  initialVersion: "1.0.0",
  repoHttpUrl: null,
  ErrorFactory: DefaultErrorFactory,
  Logger: DefaultLogger,
  repoHttpProtocol: "https",
  getBump: getBump,
  plugins: [],

Included Plugins

Bump package json

Bumps package json version on start.

// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  plugins: ["bump-package-json"],
Generate changelog

Generates a changelog for the release and prepend it or the choosen path on start.

// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  changelogPath: ''
  changelogTemplate: release => 'changelog contents'
  plugins: [

Advanced usage and plugin creation

A plugin is just a function of the form install(release) => null. To register it is enough to pass it in releaseflowrc

// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    (release) => {
      // ... do something

Tiplcally a plugin adds some step to a release phase (one of start, publish or finish).

A step is an object with a name and a run() function.

To attach a step to a phase is possible to use array methods like push or splice on the release.phases.[start/publish/finish].steps array or use the release.phases.[start/publish/finish].before method to insert the step before another specific step:

// releaseflowrc
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    (release) => {
      let logVersion = {
        name: "logVersion",
        run(release) {

      release.phases.start.before("commit", logVersion);