
Online Accommodation Booking Website

OTHER License



Rentaly is an Online Room Booking Website where users can search through listings using wide range of filters including location, check-in and check-out (availability) dates, price and number of guests. There're also able to view details of the desired room, login and finally book a room for the desired dates. Besides, a user can also be a host and is able to add listings so that other people can book it.

Table of Contents

Some Notes

Before browsing the website, notice:

  • Some pages require the user to be logged in. For the purpose of demonstration and for having a better user experience, you may want to login as the following user:
    Email: [email protected]
    Pass: 42214221Dd
    However, you can create a new account if you wish.
  • Listing data are generated randomly using a small Java software that I wrote, code of which can be found here.
  • Due to the fact that there are not sufficient data for every listing's page, for the purpose of demonstration by clicking on a listing you will be randomly redirected to 3 predefined pages.
  • Since the project is still under development, some features may not work as expected. They will be fixed. SOON .


  • Built with Passion, enthusiasm and
  • Node.js server side
  • JavaScript - jQuery client side
  • Fully responsive website
  • RESTful API implemented
  • MySQL database Integration
  • Token-based authentication
  • Google Maps API Integration
  • Google Places API Integration
  • Server and client side form validation

Available Pages

TODO list

  • Search listings based on date availability
  • Payment and Booking implementation
  • Unit testing
  • Secure authentication against CSRF attacks
  • Normalising MySQL database tables

Author - Contact

Hossein Dehnokhalaji


MIT: Do whatever you want to do with it. but notice that I'm not liable for that, and you should also mention my name in every copy of your software.

Some GIF

Search page (Tablet)

Each listing's page (Desktop)

Authentication (Tablet)

User's Dashboard (Desktop/Mobile)

Extracted from project README
License: MIT