
Deno and GoLang Mode in commonjs import (require) and ES import syntax: Replace nodejs require function with requireurls function or use loader.mjs replacing import functionality that can fetch remote urls.

MIT License



Deno and GoLang Mode in commonjs import (require) and ES import syntax

Replace nodejs require function with requireurls function or use loader functionality using loader.mjs replacing import functionality that can fetch remote urls. require-urls helps you require remote files (individually or recursively) from git, svn, mercurial, ftp, remote cloud stores using the `requireurls function. Please check the features section for currently available features.

This module has a single simple function requireurls for URL (git raw file) resolution and parsing meant to have feature parity with node.js core url module.

It also, by default, allows for cacheing (rather storing) files in a temporary working folder/repository. The files are stored in .jscache temporary folder. The file can be pulled from the cache, if already cached. You can force update the cache file if needed. The .jscache looks like the folder in the repository saved. You have an option to cache the files into node cache using the require.cache option by specifying cacheFetch option. Do have a look at it.


Find the demos in the demo folder


npm install require-urls --save

npm Package: require-urls


let requireurls = require("require-urls");
let request = "";
let options = {};
requireurls(request, options);

Run the file using the following command:

node --experimental-loader=./node_modules/require-urls/src/loaders/loader.mjs ./file.js


Currently, the project is in development and support the following features:

  • Import remote file from a remote URL (Github support)
  • Import remote file and its dependencies recursively from from a remote URL (Github support)
  • Import files are cached in .jscache folder in the project
  • [TODO] Minor addition of using package.json to import entire package installation for use
  • [TODO] Support of other repositories like svn, mercurial, ftp, or any other cloud stores.

OBJECT options

You can add all inbuilt default options of require's resolve function. The default require options can be found here: require.resolve. All other options customized for require-urls function's options argument object are as below:

Following is a sample options object. All are options object and everything have defaults.

// .... all imports etc

let options  = {
  /* You can add all inbuilt default options of require's resolve function */

  // require.resolve options key
  paths: "", 

  // Which repository or store the file is being pulled from. options: git, bitbucket
  baseType: "git", 

  // Require urls recursively, recursive: will allow for recursive pull and cache of files relative to remote url path
  recursive: false, 
  // forceUpdate: force update the .jscache folder for the remote url files
  // if forceUpdate is [A] false, [B] true.  
  // [A]: 1. if files are present then require from jscache folder, if already downloaded. 2. if files are not present then fetch from remote and save.  
  // [B]: if files are present then forceUpdate the files. 
  forceUpdate: false, 

  // Add logger to the require function, gives detailed logging during fetch. logger: provide a logger function to use. default is console.log
  logger: console.log, 

  // TODO: ReConsidering feature. require from jscache folder, if already downloaded. Conflicting with forceUpdate
  cacheFetch: true, 

  // get individual methods of remoteUrl, recursiveUrl, packageJson
  getMethods: true, 

  // TODO: require 
  noRequire: false, 

  // TODO: specify the jscacheDir for caching files 
  jscacheDir: '\$pwd\$' 

  // TODO: package.json packages download and install options 
  package: { production: false, directories: [], files: [] } 

requireurls(request, options)


/* options: git, bitbucket, gitlab, svn [TODO], ftp [TODO], etc.*/
/* Default is `git`. */

baseType: "git"
/* recursive: will allow for recursive pull and cache of files relative to remote url path. */
/* Default is false. */

recursive: false
/* forceUpdate: force update the .jscache folder for the remote url files.*/
/* Default is false. */

forceUpdate: false
/* logger: provide a logger function to use.*/
/* Default is console.log */

logger: console.log
/* Adds the `.jscache` or remotely fetched files using `require.cache` feature of nodejs */
/* Default is false */

cacheFetch: true
/* getMethods: Get all the methods of require-urls.*/
/* Default is false */
/* Usage: requireurls("", { getMethods: true }) */
/* Returns an object { remoteUrl, recursiveUrl, packageJson } instead of a requireurls function */

getMethods: false
/* noRequire: Get all the methods of require-urls.*/
/* Default is false */
/* Usage: requireurls("", { noRequire: true }) */
/*  */

noRequire: false
/* jscacheDir: The directory for .jscache folder. */
/* Default is $pwd$ */
/* Options are $git$, $pwd$, $packagejson$, $svn$, $ftp$, $nodemodules$, './path/to/folder' */
/* Usage: requireurls("", { jscacheDir: '\$git\$' }) */
/*  */

jscacheDir: '\$pwd\$'


let requireurls = require("require-urls");

let fileone = requireurls("");
let filetwo = requireurls("");
let filethree = requireurls("");

let requireurls = require("require-urls");
let c = requireurls(
              // request remote url
            baseType: "git", 
            recursive: true, 
            forceUpdate: true,
            logger: console.log

c.then(d => console.log("testing", d));

// Importing using the CommonJS and ES import Syntax
// RUN command with --experimental-loader to run the files through the import syntax support for remote url requires or imports:
// node --experimental-loader ./node_modules/require-urls/loader.mjs ./file.mjs
// node --experimental-loader ./node_modules/require-urls/loader.mjs ./file.js

let c = import("");
console.log("[require-urls] demo-import.mjs ", cgijs);

// Importing using the ES import Syntax
// RUN command with --experimental-loader to run the files through the import syntax support for remote url requires or imports:
// node --experimental-loader ./node_modules/require-urls/loader.mjs ./file.mjs

import  cgijs from "";
console.log("[require-urls] demo.mjs ", cgijs);

import  { default as cgijsd } from "";
console.log("[require-urls] demo.mjs ", cgijsd);

// Importing remote files and dependencies files recursively

let requireurls = require("require-urls");
let d = requireurls("", {
    baseType: "git", recursive: true, forceUpdate: true,
    logger: console.log, cacheFetch: false,
    getMethods: false, noRequire: false
console.log("[require-urls] demo-recursive.js: Getting cgi-js file: ", d.then(r => console.log(r)));


Documented Errors errors


  • [D] Github support for remote files import
    • [D] single file import.
    • [D] file import and dependency file imports recursively.
    • [T] importing project using package.json.
  • [T] Gitlab support for remote files import
    • [T] single file import.
    • [T] file import and dependency file imports recursively.
    • [T] importing project using package.json.
  • [T] Bitbucket support for remote files import and testing for
    • [T] single file import.
    • [T] file import and dependency file imports recursively.
    • [T] importing project using package.json.
  • [P] Naming of folders based on
    • [P] domain > user@repo > SHA
    • [D] domain > user@repo > commit
    • [P] domain > user@repo > tag
    • [D] domain > user@repo > branch
  • [P] Add options to import a remote published or unpublished package using https://remoteurl/.../package.json pack of repository.
  • [P] Files imported are documented in filelock.json file with their content one-way cryptographic hash.
  • [P] Add verify command for files in .jscache.
  • [P] Add support for .ts (typescript) files import with transpiling dynamically during import.
  • [P] Add support for .coffee (coffeescript) files import with transpiling dynamically during import.
  • [T] Add support for FTP.
  • [T] Add support for SVN.
  • [T] Add support for Mercurial.
  • [T] Consider support for S3.
  • [T] Consider support for Google Cloud.
  • [T] Consider support for Google Drive.


Contributions, Feature Improvements, Bugs, and Issues are invited. raising an issue


MIT License