
Take a node.js script and recursively discover all the files it requires.


reqursive Build Status

Take a file and recursively discover all the files loaded in using require().


$ npm install reqursive


Call reqursive on a file, and soon after you'll get an array containing a list of all the scripts that file requires before running.

var worker = require('./lib/worker.js')
  , async = require('async')

    , function(err, files) {
        files[1].id       // 'worker.js'
        files[1].filename // 'lib/worker.js'
        files[1].module   // false

        files[2].id       // 'async'
        files[2].filename // 'node_modules/async/index.js'
        files[2].module   // true

        files.length      // 3

You might have noticed that reqursive steers clear of the insides of node_modules by default. By passing the traverseModules option as true you'll get back not only the modules, but their contents as well:

var async = require('async')
  , reqursive = require('reqursive')

reqursive(__filename, {
    traverseModules: true    
}, function(err, files) {
    files[0].id       // 'index.js'
    files[0].filename // 'index.js'
    files[0].module   // false
    files[0].parents  // []

    files[1].id       // 'async'
    files[1].filename // 'node_modules/async/index.js'
    files[1].module   // true
    files[1].parents  // [ 'index.js' ]

    files[2].id       // 'async.js'
    files[2].filename // 'node_modules/async/lib/async.js'
    files[2].module   // false
    files[2].parents  // [ 'node_modules/async/index.js' ]

You can pass in an array of files to evaluate them together - they don't have to be connected, but they can be. If the files are from separate directories, the returned paths will be relative to the first file by default.

  , require.resolve('express')
], function(err, files) {
    files[0].filename // index.js
    files[1].filename // ../node_modules/express/index.js

If you're looking to just get the files required by a single script, you can use reqursive.children():

var reqursive = require('reqursive')
  , filename = require.resolve('reqursive')

    , function(err, children) {
        files[0].id // 'index.js'
        files[1].id // 'nub'
        files[2].id // 'async'
        files[3].id // 'detective'

File Properties

The reqursive and reqursive.children methods return an array of file objects, each with the following properties:

  • id: Either the name of the module or the name of the file, e.g. http or index.js

  • filename: The path to the file. When using reqursive, this is relative to the original file. When using reqursive.children, the path is absolute.

  • module: true if the file is a module: taken from node_modules, or a part of Node's core.

  • native: true if the file is a native module, e.g. http or net, but not request or browserify.

  • parents: An array of scripts that require this file.

  • mgroup: This is equal to the id of the module this file is a part of. Top-level scripts, i.e. not part of a module, will have an "mgroup" equal to "false".

  • error: If a syntax error was picked up when parsing this file, it'll go here. Handle this however you please.


The following only apply to reqursive, not reqursive.children

  • traverseModules: Don't stop when hitting a module - keep going through the module's files too.

  • absolute: Return absolute paths instead of relative.