
Provides fault-tolerant email delivery, using failover email providers

MIT License



resilient-mailer provides fault-tolerant email delivery, using failover email providers.

var ResilientMailer = require('resilient-mailer');

var provider; // email provider instance

var mailer = new ResilientMailer();


resilient-mailer enables fault tolerance by allowing the registration of multiple email providers. Priority is the order in which they're registered. It tries to send the message using the first registered provider; if that fails, it then moves to the next one and tries with that. This process continues until the email has been successfully sent - or failed with all providers.


$ npm install resilient-mailer


Create an instance of the mailer:

var ResilientMailer = require('resilient-mailer');

var mailer = new ResilientMailer();

Register providers to it: (see below)

var provider; // email provider instance

Send messages:

var message = {
	from: '[email protected]',
	to: ['[email protected]'],
	subject: 'Testing my new email provider',
	textBody: 'Seems to be working!',
	htmlBody: '<p>Seems to be working!</p>'

mailer.send(message, function (error) {
	if (error)
		console.log('All providers failed - ' + error.message);


Install the development dependencies first:

$ npm install

Then the tests:

$ npm test


For any email service you want to use, you need to use a provider designed for use with it. This is a list of known providers:

Future Improvements

At present, this library is quite limited. It attempts to send each message with the providers in the order they were registered. If it is unable to use a provider, it moves to the next one until it has tried with all of them - then it returns a failure to the callback.

This behavior is obviously too primitive for use in real world scenarios. For example - in the event that the primary provider goes down, it would be best to remove it from the pool of active providers until it's available again. Continuing to try to use it in that time is inefficient.

New concepts will be introduced to make the library more useful:


Right now, the library immediately attempts to send messages, without trying to coordinate them in any way.

In the event that there is a lot of email, it may be better to hold all messages in a queue until they're sent, and limit the number which can be sent simultaneously to apply more consistent load on the providers.

Provider Selection Strategy

The current behavior is to loop through the list of providers attempting to send each message - a simple failover arrangement. Other appropriate strategies could be round robin, load balancing, randomly choosing, etc.

This functionality would accept an object to handle the selection, allowing for custom implementations if desired. The default would continue to be failover.

Provider Failure Handling

Presently, if a provider is down or malfunctioning, nothing is done to prevent its continued attempted use. Obviously there are many problems this could cause.

This feature would allow for provider instances to be designated as being suspended - preventing their use. Similarly to the provider selection, suspension status would be controlled by the object provided - allowing for custom implementations if needed.

Multiple Attempts

There may be cases where it is desired that, even after all providers have failed, emails should be attempted again. This would allow for a number of retries to be designated (default 1), and a time period to wait between tries.

Provider Result Reporting

Many providers only indicate that a message has been successfully queued - not that the message has been sent. In some cases, the message may fail to be sent after being accepted. Presently, these events are unknown to the mailer system.

A solution could be to set up callback URLs from the providers back to the system, allowing for the delayed notification of failures. The message would then be requeued.


There is currently no support for attachments.


Please open an issue on this repository.



MIT licensed - see LICENSE file