
Responsive design toolkit

OTHER License



Response is an experimental jQuery/Ender/Zepto plugin that gives web designers tools for building responsive websites. It can dynamically swap content based on breakpoints and data attributes. (npm: response.js)

API (0.10)

Breakpoint sets

Response's main feature is its breakpoint sets. They offer the ability to serve different content via breakpoint-based data attributes. They are best applied with a mobile-first approach. Devs can choose custom breakpoints to create exactly data attributes they need. By default none are setup.

Creating breakpoint sets

Sets are created either by calling Response.create(options) directly, or automatically via JSON stored in a body[data-responsejs]. The options can be a plain object or an array of them.

    prop: "width"  // "width" "device-width" "height" "device-height" or "device-pixel-ratio"
  , prefix: "min-width- r src"  // the prefix(es) for your data attributes (aliases are optional)
  , breakpoints: [1281,1025,961,641,481,320,0] // min breakpoints (defaults for width/device-width)
  , lazy: true // optional param - data attr contents lazyload rather than whole page at once


<body data-responsejs='{
  "create": [
    { "prop": "width"
    , "prefix": "min-width- r src"
    , "lazy": true
    , "breakpoints": [1281,1025,961,641,481,320,0] }
To write markup like
<div data-min-width-481="markup @ 481px+" data-min-width-961="markup @ 961px+">
  default markup for 480px- or no-js


Define a custom breakpoint set that uses a custom test

 * @param {string} prop custom property name (or an existing prop to override)
 * @param {Function} test callback to test min breakpoints for the prop
Response.addTest('viewport-area', function(min) {
  return min >= Response.viewportW() * Response.viewportH();
    prop: 'viewport-area' // custom prop name
  , breakpoints: [100000, 1000000, 10000000] // custom breakpoints
  , dynamic: true // set this to true if prop needs to be tested on resize

Methods from verge

Response.viewportW() // CSS viewport width
Response.viewportH() // CSS viewport height // => boolean
Response.inViewport(elem, cushion?) // => boolean
Response.inX(elem, cushion?) // => boolean
Response.inY(elem, cushion?) // => boolean
Response.scrollX() // => number
Response.scrollY() // => number

Device size

Response.deviceW() // device width
Response.deviceH() // device height
Response.deviceMax() // calculated Math.max(deviceW, deviceH)
Response.deviceMin() // calculated Math.min(deviceW, deviceH)


Response.dpr(1.5) // true when device-pixel-ratio is 1.5+
Response.dpr(2) // true when device-pixel-ratio is 2+
Response.dpr() // get device-pixel-ratio - returns integer or float (0 if undetectable)

Viewport size ranges // true in viewports 481px wide and up., 480) // true in viewports 0-480px wide.
Response.wave(641) // true in viewport 641px high and up.
Response.wave(0, 640) // true in viewports 0-640px high.

Device size ranges // true for devices 481px wide and up, 480) // true for devices 0-480px wide.
Response.device.wave(641) // true for devices 641px high and up.
Response.device.wave(0, 640) // true for devices 0-640px high.


Call a function on breakpoint set crossovers

Response.crossover('width', function() {
  // runs when 'width' breakpoints are crossed

Response.crossover(function() {
  // runs when any defined breakpoint is crossed

@deprecated event utils

Response.ready(fn) // call fn on ready
Response.resize(fn) // call fn on resize
Response.action(fn|fns) // call fn(s) on ready *and* on resize

@deprecated dataset utils

Response.dataset(elem, key) // get
Response.dataset(elem, [key]) // get and render (See Response.render)
Response.dataset(elem, key, value) // set
Response.dataset(elem, atts) // set multiple data atts at once
Response.deletes(elem, keys) // delete one or more data atts
Response.dataset(document.body, "pulpFiction", 5) // sets <body data-pulp-fiction="5">
Response.dataset(document.body, "pulpFiction") // -> "5"
Response.dataset(document.body, ["pulpFiction"]) // -> 5

Response.render(str) // convert stringified primitives to correct value e.g. "true" to true
Response.camelize(str) // convert 'pulp-fiction' or 'data-pulp-fiction' to pulpFiction
Response.datatize(str) // convert 'pulpFiction' to 'data-pulp-fiction' // convert keys like "a b c" or ["a","b","c"] to $("[data-a],[data-b],[data-c]")
Response.access(keys) // access an array of dataset values that correspond to an array of dataset keys$elems, key, attrToReadFrom?) // store init content of each elem to data key

@deprecated object utils

Response.affix(stack, prefix?, suffix?) // create array w/ prefix|suffix added to each stack value
Response.each(stack, fn, scope?) // call fn for each item in stack, fn, scope?) // map stack into a new array
Response.merge(target, source) // merge source's defined values into target
Response.object(parent) // create a new object that inherits parent (via Object.create where possible)
Response.route(stack|other, fn, scope?) // call fn on each stack value or on a non-stack
Response.sift(stack, fn?, scope|invert?) // like _.compact, [].filter, and jQuery.grep


Re: fetch

// Unmodify window
// Unmodify window and save reference to our Response
let R = Response.noConflict()
Response.noConflict(function(Response) {
  // Unmodify window and get safe reference to our Response in here

AMD usage

define(['jquery'], Response.noConflict);  // define module and unmodify window


Related Modules

  • verge - viewport utilities
  • actual - @media detector
  • dope - dataset abstraction
  • res - resolution utilities
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