
a simple library for working with APIs in Ember

MIT License



RestModel is a library for interacting with a REST API in Ember. Its goal is to provide a library with predictable behavior and which can be easily extended to meet custom needs.


This readme, and more detailed work-in-progress here, on GitHub pages.


bower install rest-model --save


Basic Use

Using RestModel is as simple as extending it to create a custom model class, and providing a URL for that model:

var App = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/apps'

App can now be used to fetch resources from the /apps endpoint:

// Fetch all apps (GET /apps):
App.all().then(function(apps) {
  apps[0].constructor === App;

// Fetch a single app (GET /apps/:id):
App.find(1).then(function(app) {
  app.constructor === App;

Apps can also be created, fetched, updated, and destroyed:

var existingApp = App.create({ id: });
existingApp.fetch().then(function(existingApp) {
  existingApp.get('name') === 'existing-app-name';

var newApp = App.create({ name: 'new-app-name' }); {
  newApp.get('id') === 2;
  return newApp.delete();
}).then(function() {
  // newApp has been deleted

Working with Nested Resources

Working with nested resources is as simple as providing a nested URL with placeholder segments, and providing parent objects and keys for each record:

var Post = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/posts'

var Comment = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/posts/:post/comments'

var post = Post.create({ id: 1 });

Comment.all(post).then(function(comments) { // GET /posts/1/comments
  comments[0].constructor === Comment;

Comment.find(post, 2).then(function(comment) { // GET /posts/1/comments/2
  comment.constructor === Comment;

var comment = Comment.create({ parents: [post], body: 'hello' }); { // POST /posts/1/comments
  comment.constructor === Comment;

There is no concept of belongs-to/has-many in RestModel. All models are managed individually, and parents can be used on any record—their primary keys will be interpolated as is appropriate into the URL.

Custom Namespaces

If resources are behind a custom namespace, one can be provided via the namespace property on the class:

var Model = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  namespace: 'api'

var App = Model.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/apps'

App.all(); // GET `/api/apps`

Custom Primary Keys

Your API may allow you to find resources by, for example, both id and name. RestModel supports this via the primaryKeys array property on the class, which defaults to ['id']. Any time RestModel needs a primary key to fetch or save a record, it will iterate over these keys in order until it finds one for which the model has a value.

var App = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/apps',
  primaryKeys: ['id', 'name']

Now, say a user visits /apps/my-app in your Ember app. Your route will want to fetch the App model for them, and RestModel can fetch it by name, since that value is provided in primaryKeys:

var AppsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function(params) {
    return App.create({ name: }).fetch();

All subsequent API requests for that App instance will be made using id, assuming your API returns this property.

Determining If a Record Has Changed

RestModel provides an isDirty property on each instance that returns true if attributes on the record have been changed from their original values. When a record is successfully save()d, the new values are considered the "original values".

In order to determine isDirty, RestModel requires that you provide an array called attrs that contains the attributes to dirty check against:

var App = RestModel.extend({
  attrs: ['name']
  url: '/apps'

var app = App.create({ name: 'foo' });
app.get('isDirty'); // false
app.set('name', 'bar');
app.get('isDirty'); // true

Reverting a Changed Record

Assuming that a record has an attrs array defined, it can be reverted to its original values if it has changed. Remember that changing a record and then saving it will cause the record to consider its new properties its "original properties", and it won't revert.

var app = App.create({ name: 'foo' });
app.get('name'); // 'foo'
app.set('name', 'bar');
app.get('name'); // 'bar'
app.get('name'); // 'foo'

Serializing a Record for Saving/Updating

When a record is saved or updated, #serialize is called on it, which is a method that returns a JSON string. By default, this method will either serialize any properties in a serializedProperties property array on the record, or it will simply call JSON.stringify(this) if no such property exists.

This method can be overridden easily, as long as it returns a JSON string.

Deserializing Records

When a record is returned from the API, ::deserialize is called on its class, with the API response object as the argument. By default, this method simply calls return this.create(object), returning an instance of the class.

When an array is returned, ::deserializeArray is called on its class, with the API response array as the argument. By default, this simply returns a map of calling ::deserialize with each member of the array.

These methods can be overridden for custom API response deserialization.

Setting Custom Request Headers

Each class can choose to implement a getBeforeSend function. This function should return a function whose single argument is a jQuery XMLHttpRequest object (jqXHR). Custom request headers can be added and removed here, as it will be called on every AJAX request for this class.

The getBeforeSend method itself receives an object of options, including things like the request method (e.g. 'GET') to be used by the impending AJAX request.

var App = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  url: '/apps',

  getBeforeSend: function(options) {
    return function(jqXHR) {
      jqXHR.setRequestHeader('foo', 'bar');


Although caching is in an early state in RestModel, there is basic caching functionality, which uses localStorage. In order to activate it, set cache to true on the class:

var App = RestModel.extend().reopenClass({
  cache: true,
  url: '/apps'

The cache will keep a single representation of every record of that class it has fetched, and for every separate URL, either an array of record primary keys or a single record primary key for that URL.

Once a request to an endpoint has been made once (and then cached), subsequent request promises will immediately resolve with the cached value. An API request will be triggered in the background, and the cached value (both in the cache and in the record or array of records the promise was resolved with) will be updated.

On endpoints that return arrays, the cache will add, update, and remove* the appropriate records.

On endpoints that return single objects, the cache will only update the cached object.

As long as what's rendered by your Ember app is the same array or object returned by a RestModel method (e.g. ::all, #find), your view should render immediately, and then update once the background API request completes.

*This can currently break for paginated APIs, as it is impossible to determine whether a record has been removed or simply relocated to a different page or range.


Before a release, RestModel should be built with a non-uglified and an uglified version into its dist directory:

npm install
npm run build


$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm test

Thanks, Heroku

While I created and maintain this project, it was done while I was an employee of Heroku on the Human Interfaces Team, and they were kind enough to allow me to open source the work. Heroku is awesome.