
Slack retrospective bot for the 2020s



A retrospective Slack bot for the 2020s.

Credit where credit is due

This is a bolt-js port of Remy's Retrobot, which was in turn inspired by PebbleKat's Retrobot.

Installing the bot

Create a new Slack app

For this to work, you'll need to create a Slack bot.

Creating a Slack app from a manifest file

You can use the resources/app-manifest.yml file to quickly create a new Slack app in your workspace. Don't forget to update the request_url field with the URL of your deployed app (see below about deploying to Heroku).

Once you have created and installed the new app in your workspace, you should record its bot token (from the OAuth & Permissions page) and signing secret (from the Basic Information page).

Creating a Slack app from scratch

Follow these steps to manually create the app:

  1. Select to create a new Slack app from scratch
  2. Record the app's Signing Secret from the Basic Information page (this is your SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET)
  3. In the OAuth & Permissions page:
    1. Add the following scopes under the Bot Token Scope section:
      • app_mentions:read
      • channels:history
      • channels:read
      • chat:write
      • dnd:read
      • im:history
      • reactions:read
      • users:read
    2. Under the OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section, click Install to Workspace (follow the instruction there)
    3. Record the Bot User OAuth Token that was created after the app insllation (this is your SLACK_BOT_TOKEN)
  4. In the App Home page, under the Show Tabs section, check the Allow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab checkbox
  5. You can now deploy the app to Heroku using the two keys (see below about deploying to Heroku)
  6. In the Event Subscriptions page:
    1. Enable the events toggle; enter the URL of your bot's deployment and add /slack/events (e.g.
    2. In the same page, subscribe to the following bot events:
      • app_mention
      • message.channels
  7. You'll need to reinstall the app - do it now (in the Install App page)

Deploy to Heroku (recommended)

It's best to just install Retrobot on Heroku, where it can live inside a free web dyno and woken up as required. You can do it with a single click on this button below (opens in the same tab, so Cmd/Shift-click it):

You'll need to supply two env vars from your newly-created bot:


Run locally (good for testing)

You can run this project locally and provide Slack with an external URL (use ngrok).

Using Retrobot


  1. Create a new public channel that will be dedicated to retrospectives
  2. Invite everyone who should take part in these sessions
  3. Add Retrobot (as an integration) to this channel

You're all set!

Retrobot can manage multiple retro sessions, each from its own channel.

Important: If a user is a member of two channels that are both running a session at the same time, this user's private interaction with Retrobot (giving feedback) will land randomly in either sessions. To avoid this embarrasing (if potentially funny) situation, that user can leave the unwanted channel before the session starts (and come back to it later).

Run a retro session

Retro sessions have three parts:

  1. Gathering feedback from everyone
  2. Up-voting the messages that everyone would like to discuss
  3. List the top up-voted messages, opening up a way to start talking about the important issues

Appropriately, Retrobot has three phases:

  1. Type @retrobot start to start gather feedback from everyone who is (1) a member of this channel; (2) isn't away; and (3) not in DnD (Do not Disturb) mode.

    • Everyone will get pinged by Retrobot in a DM
    • At this point, each person sends feedback privately (through direct message) to Retrobot
  2. Type @retrobot stop after a short while (give everyone 5-10 minutes to give some prope) - this will print all the feedback from everyone, split into two lists: "Worked Well" and "Needs Work"

    • Now everyone should up-vote (👍) on the most important items they'd like to discuss
  3. Once everyone has voted, type @retrobot sum [N] to print the first [N] messages (defaults to 3) that were up-voted.

    • The retro session is now finished
    • You can start discussing the items with the team, and sum up the discussions and any action items in each item's thread, for later follow-up

Other useful commands

  • @retrobot help will print a list of all the commands it supports
  • @retrobot wake up just to ping Retrobot, in case it was sleeping (e.g. in a Heroku free dyno)
  • @retrobot status will provide you with the status of the retro session in this channel, if any is running
  • @retrobot channels will list all the channels where an active retro session is currently runnning
  • @retrobot terminate session will unceremoniously end the current session, leaving nothing behind (dangerous, but useful for reseting a session without going through all the motions)