
NodeJS based reverse proxy server


Simple NodeJS based reverse proxy


To start the proxy server:

cd backend
npm install
npm run dev

This starts the server at localhost:8085

The server has got two end points:

PATCH /config

This end point used to configure origin & destination mapping, example

{ "": ""}

This will proxy all request originating from to

ALL /proxy

This endpoint acts as proxy endpoint, all request to this endpoint is proxied. As per the available origin destination mapping.

If a particular origin is not registered, server responds with status 400 and body

    "error": "Origin not registered"

Incase the destination server is unreachable server responds with 500 and body

    "error": "Unbale to reach destination server"


To start the frontend server:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

This will start the frontend local server. The frontend uses /config endpoint to configure origin & destination mapping.