
Copy all assets referenced in CSS to a folder, updating the URLs



Copy all assets referenced by the CSS document to a folder, updating the CSS references.


var rework = require('rework'),
    assets = require('rework-assets');

var css = ...;

css = rework(css)
        src: 'src',
        dest: 'assets'

// all assets are copied to the `assets` folder, which is referenced by all
// `url(...)` calls in the generated CSS



Returns a new rework plugin function that will copy all the assets referenced by the CSS document to a folder. options may contain the following values:

  • src: The directory where the CSS source files are located. Defaults to the
    current directory.
  • dest: The output folder that will contain the copied assets. Defaults to
    the current directory.
  • prefix: The URL that is used to prefix the urls from the generated CSS.
    Defaults to empty.
  • retainName: Append hash to the original asset name to make identification easier,
    rather than naming solely based on hash.
    Defaults to true.
  • onError: A function that is called whenever an error occurs whil reading a
    file. This function can simply ignore the error if desired, which causes the
    URL to be unchanged from the source file. The default function throws the
  • onFile: A function that is called whenever a file is included. It is called
    with the file path. This can be used for tracking which files are referenced
    from the stylesheet.
  • func: The name of the CSS function that references an asset in the input.
    Defaults to 'url'. For example, if func: 'asset' is specified, all
    asset(...) calls will be found in the input and the copied to the output.
    The output CSS will always use url(...) to reference the copied assets in
    the build output.

The path to each asset source is determined by the src directory and the position.source property of each node that is set when parsing with css-parse if position tracking is enabled (this is the same information used for generating source maps). This means that even if the source document is parsed from several files (for example when using rework-npm), it will still resolve the referenced asset using the source file path.

The destination file name is derived from a hash of the source file with the source extension appended. This allows multiple files to reference assets with the same name but different path. It also deduplicates files originating from multiple sources but containing the same content.

Example build script

This is an example build script, showing how to use rework-assets in conjunction with other rework plugins. You can create your own build script using Node.js directory or you can use a build tool such as Grunt or Gulp.

#!/usr/bin/env node

var readSync = require('fs').readFileSync,
    path = require('path'),
    rework = require('rework');

// Rework plugins
var imports = require('rework-npm'),
    assets = require('rework-assets'),
    inherit = require('rework-inherit');

// `$ build-css src/index.css > build/build.css`

function build (file) {
    var styles = readSync(file, 'utf8'),
        dir = path.dirname(file);

    return rework(styles)
        .use(imports({ dir: dir }))
            src: dir,
            dest: path.join(__dirname, '../build/assets'),
            prefix: 'assets/',
            onError: console.error