
A simple tool site to convert between RGBA and HEXA (8 digit HEX code)


RGBA to transparency adjusted hex

This is an conversion tool website that converts between rgba and hexa

Hex alpha or HEXA as i like to call it, is an 8 digit hex code with transparency value #RRGGBBAA

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What does this project do?

It's an online tool to convert between rgba (and rgb) to hex code and vice versa, while maintaining the opacity value through the conversion, I haven't found many color conversion tools out that maintain transparency while converting from rgba to hex, that's if they supported converting from 8 digit hex at all.

Why do i care about transparent hex codes, can't I just use rgba?

Transparency adjusted hex codes #RRGGBBAA allows you to attach alpha values next to a variable, which is super helpful when you have a design system with a style guide of colors. If you define them all in hex and use them in a context where you want some opacity with rgb/rgba you have to do complex string manipulation where you need to open the variable up and change it, but with HEX you can just attach the opacity after the variable, turning it into 8 Digit hex

const styleGuide = {
  hexColor: '#013370',

`${styleGuide.hexColor}80`; // #01337080 which is equal to rgba(1, 51, 112, 0.5)

You see it's easier to from #013370 to #01337080 than it is to go from rgba(1, 51, 112) to rgba(1, 51, 112, 0.5) therefore transparency adjusted hex can be very convenient and superior to rgba

This approach works very well with CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components

const theme = {
  backgroundColorInHex: '#013370',

// Using a theme color but with 0.25 opacity

const Background = styled.div`
  background: ${({ theme }) => `${theme.backgroundColorInHex}40`};