
This was written to address some issues I've experienced when working with a number of existing modal plugins


Quick start


$.modal.open('This is some content');

Generated mark-up

<div class="modal-overlay"></div>

<div class="modal">
    <div class="modal-content">
        <!-- content -->
    <a href="#" class="modal-close">close X</a>



This was written to address some issues I've experienced when working with a number of existing modal plugins:

  • It dynamically sizes the modal based on it's final state, so any styles applied based on .modal * will be taken into account and the modal correctly sized.
  • It avoids the use of fixed positioning to ensure users can always get to the content even if it's outside of the viewport which also means it supports touch devices and IE6.
  • It allows extra classes to be added to the container element (not just the content element) to easily change and extend different 'skins'.
  • It provides a constructor function to allow for multiple instances.
  • It correctly positions itself on touch devices, even when zoomed in.


width: 'auto' (string, number)

Defines the width of the modal, if set to 'auto' the width will be automatically calculated based on size of content

height: 'auto' (string, number)

Defines the height of the modal, if set to 'auto' the height will be automatically calculated based on size of content

maxWidth: null (number)

Defines the maxium width of the modal

maxHeight: null (number)

Defines the maxium height of the modal

fitViewport: false (boolean)

If set to true the modal will be sized to fit within the viewport

keepAspect: false (boolean)

If set to true the modal will maintain it's original aspect ratio if / when resized

modal: true (boolean)

If set to true the page will blocked with an overlay div to stop interaction

openSpeed: 'fast' (string, number)

Defines speed modal will fade in. Can take any standard jQuery speed strings or number

closeSpeed: 'fast' (string, number)

Defines speed modal will fade out. Can take any standard jQuery speed strings or number

closeText: 'close X' (string)

Defines text to be applied to close element

extraClasses: null (string)

Defines any extra space seperated classes to be added to the outer .modal element

position: null (array - [top, left])

Allows final modal position to be overridden if centering is not desired

closeSelector: '.modal-content-close' (string)

Any elements wihtin the modal matching the closeSelector will close the modal on click

closeKeyCode: 27 (number)

Keycode used to close the modal, default to Esc key

closeOverlay: true (boolean)

Defines whether clicking on the overlay will close the modal

overlayOpacity: 0.5 (number)

Defines the overlay opacity; it's within JS and not CSS to a) take advantage of jQuery's cross browser opacity normalisation and b) because <= IE7 can't fadeIn translucent elements


The following data is passed to all callbacks

    modal (jQuery object)
    content (jQuery object)
    closeBtn (jQuery object)
    overlay (jQuery object)

init: null (function)

See tin

beforeOpen: null (function)

See tin

afterOpen: null (function)

See tin

beforeClose: null (function)

See tin

afterClose: null (function)

See tin


open $.modal.open(content, [options])

Displays content in modal using options, content can be a selector, element, HTML string, or jQuery object (anything $.fn.append() can take)

refresh $.modal.refresh()

Repositions modal, useful if content has changed

update $.modal.update(newContent, [options])

Replaces modal content with newContent, unlike $.modal(), options persist

loading $.modal.loading([beforeClose])

Helper method to show modal in a loading state, use .modal-isloading for styling. A function can be passed in to be called before close; this can be useful if ajax request needs to be aborted

close $.modal.close([animate])

Closes modal, pass in boolean to define whether close should fade out

destroy $.modal.destroy()

Removes modal from DOM and unbinds all associated events


new $.rs.Modal(name, [defaults])

Creates new instance of $.rs.Modal where name (string) is used as a prefix for the generated mark-ups classNames and defaults (object) is merged in with the above options to specialise the instance.

var myModal = new $.rs.Modal('mymodal', {
    maxWidth: 500,
    maxHeight: 600,
    fitViewport: true,
    closeText: 'X'

myModal.open('this is some content');

// Generated mark-up
<div class="mymodal-overlay"></div>

<div class="mymodal">
    <div class="mymodal-content">
        <!-- content -->
    <span class="mymodal-close">X</span>

If you have any questions or ideas you can contact me here