
Rollup starter kit for creating libraries

MIT License



Rollup starter kit for creating libraries (Input: ES6, Output: UMD, CommonJS, ESM)


  • Rollup 2.x.x
  • Babel 7
  • ES6 as a source
  • Exports in UMD, CommonJS, ESM formats
  • ES6 test setup with Jest
  • Linting with ESLint
  • Basic Travis configuration

Getting started

1. Setup the library's name

  • Open rollup.config.js and change the value of LIBRARY_NAME variable with your library's name.
  • Open package.json and change the following properties with your library's equivalent
    • name
    • version
    • description
    • main
    • module
    • browser
    • repository
    • author
    • license
    • bugs
    • homepage

2. Install dependencies

  • Run npm install to install the library's dependencies.

3. Build for development

  • Having all the dependencies installed run npm run dev. This command will generate UMD (unminified), CommonJS and ESM modules under the dist folder. It will also watch for changes in source files to recompile.

4. Build for production

  • Having all the dependencies installed run npm run build. This command will generate the same modules as above and one extra minified UMD bundle for usage in browser.


  • npm run build - Produces production version of library modules under dist folder.
  • npm run dev - Produces a development version of library and runs a watcher to watch for changes.
  • npm run test - Runs the tests.
  • npm run test:watch - Runs the tests in watch mode for development.
  • npm run test:coverage - Runs the tests and provides with test coverage information.
  • npm run lint - Lints the source code with ESlint.
  • npm run prepare - Run both BEFORE the package is packed and published, on local npm install without any arguments, and when installing git dependencies.
  • npm run clean - Deletes dist and coverage folders.


  • By default all source code is located under the src folder.
  • Be default dist folder is excluded from source control but included for npm. You can change this behavior by not excluding this folder inside the .gitignore file.
  • The starter kit assumes that all tests are located under test folder with .spec.js extension.


The MIT License (MIT)