
deck.gl, but lighter



deck.gl, but lighter (thanks to PicoGL and PicoMercator)

$ npm i && npm start

Tiny example

const createDlite = require('dlite')

const dlite = createDlite(MAPBOX_TOKEN, {
  center: [-122.423175, 37.778316],
  zoom: 14,
  bearing: 0,
  pitch: 15

const positions = dlite.picoApp.createVertexBuffer(dlite.PicoGL.FLOAT, 2, new Float32Array([
  -122.42314, 37.77831,
  -122.42317, 37.77834,
  -122.423165, 37.7784
const vertexArray = dlite.picoApp.createVertexArray().vertexAttributeBuffer(0, positions)

const renderPoints = dlite({
  vs: `#version 300 es
  precision highp float;
  layout(location=0) in vec2 position;
  uniform float size;
  void main() {
    vec3 offset = vec3(1.0) * pixelsPerMeter;
    vec4 worldPos = pico_mercator_lngLatToWorld(position) + vec4(offset, 0);
    gl_Position = pico_mercator_worldToClip(worldPos);
    gl_PointSize = size;

  fs: `#version 300 es
  precision highp float;
  uniform float opacity;
  out vec4 fragColor;
  void main() {
    fragColor = vec4(0.5, 0.7, 0.9, opacity);

  vertexArray: vertexArray,
  count: 3,
  primitive: dlite.PicoGL.POINTS,
  blend: {
    csrc: dlite.PicoGL.SRC_ALPHA,
    cdest: dlite.PicoGL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
    asrc: dlite.PicoGL.ONE,
    adest: dlite.PicoGL.ONE

dlite.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
  uniforms: {
    size: 5,
    opacity: 0.8


createDlite(mapboxToken, initialViewState, mapStyle, container)

Takes a mapboxToken (string) and initialViewState (object) which looks like:

  center: [longitude, latitude],
  zoom: zoomLevel, // in powers of 2, number
  bearing: bearing, // in degrees, number between -180 and +180
  pitch: pitch // in degrees, number between 0 and 60

Optionally takes a mapStyle (a mapbox://styles/ path which defaults to 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9') and a container (which defaults to the window).

Returns a dlite function which can be used to create WebGL resources and render functions.


const dlite = createDlite(MAPBOX_TOKEN, {
  center: [-122.423175, 37.778316],
  zoom: 14,
  bearing: 0,
  pitch: 15


Takes render options which are used to generate a render function. The render options object looks like:

  vs: vertexShaderSource, // the source of the vertex shader (string)
  fs: fragmentShaderSource, // the source of the fragment shader (string) (optional for transform feedback pass)
  vertexArray: vertexArray, // a PicoGL vertexArray object - dlite.picoApp.createVertexArray()
  transform: { // an object containing a mapping of varyings to output buffers (optional)
    varyingName1: vertexBuffer1,
  uniforms: uniformsObject, // a JavaScript object with uniforms (optional)
  uniformBlocks: uniformBlock, // a PicoGL uniformBlock object - dlite.picoApp.createUniformBlock() (optional)
  count: vertexCount, // the number of attribute vertices to draw (optional)
  timer: false, // a boolean to turn on performance timing (if true, latest timings are returned from each render()) (optional)
  instanceCount: instanceCount, // the number of instances to draw (optional)
  primitive: glDrawPrimitive, // the GL draw primitive, default is GL.TRIANGLES (optional)
  framebuffer: framebuffer, // a PicoGL framebuffer or null to draw to the default framebuffer (optional)
  depth: true, // a boolean to turn depth testing off/on (optional)
  rasterize: true, // a boolean to turn rasterization off/on (optional)
  cullbackfaces: true, // a boolean to turn backface-culling off/on (optional)
  blend: { // an object of blend params or `false` (optional)
    csrc: GL.SRC_ALPHA,
    asrc: GL.ONE,
    adest: GL.ONE

Returns a render() function which may be called with any or all of the render options above (except vs and fs), overriding the original values just for that render.


const render = dlite({
  vs: vertexShaderSource,
  fs: fragmentShaderSource,
  vertexArray: vertexArray,
  count: 3,
  primitive: dlite.PicoGL.POINTS,
  blend: {
    csrc: dlite.PicoGL.SRC_ALPHA,
    cdest: dlite.PicoGL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
    asrc: dlite.PicoGL.ONE,
    adest: dlite.PicoGL.ONE

  uniforms: {
    uTime: Date.now()

dlite.clear(r, g, b, a)

Takes 0 -> 1 values for red, green, blue, and alpha, clearing the default framebuffer with the passed in color.


dlite.clear(1, 1, 1, 1)

Shader functions and uniforms

These functions are available within the vertex shader and can be used to project lng/lats to world and screen space.

vec4 pico_mercator_lngLatToWorld(vec3 position)

Used to project lng/lat (and height in meters) to world space.

vec4 pico_mercator_worldToClip(vec4 worldPosition)

Used to world space to clipspace.

float pixelsPerMeter

Uniform used to convert meters to "world space", which is usually used to scale an offset which is then added to a worldPosition before projected to clipspace with pico_mercator_worldToClip.


vec3 position = vec3(longitude, latitude, heightInMeters);
vec3 offset = vec3(-1, 1, 0) * meters * pixelsPerMeter;
vec4 worldPosition = pico_mercator_lngLatToWorld(position) + vec4(offset, 0);
gl_Position = pico_mercator_worldToClip(worldPosition);

To do

  • consider using deck's map controller instead of mapbox because mapbox has such a lag it causes the two canvas to go out of sync
  • make mapbox optional (show no map)
  • return project/unproject fns
  • create/manage vertexArrayObject/attributes for user?
  • create defaults to run on every call to make sure draw call state doesn't bleed into each other
  • try rendering to framebuffer
  • experiment with exporting layers
  • simplify camera uniforms (see TODOs in src)
  • update docs for timer
  • make camera uniforms a uniform block?
  • create default fragment shader for transform feedback
  • support transform feedback
  • show example API in README
  • ship a smaller dataset with the demo
  • incorporate animation in demo
  • implement vertexArray updates on render()
  • implement framebuffer support
  • support instancing
  • support gl parameters updates (blend modes)