
DOM library and app framework.

MIT License



The browser is not node. Rondo is an attempt at fixing this problem.

Rondo is a client-side DOM library and application suite. The API is modeled after the modules and conventions of node.js, to give a more node-like feel to the frontend. It comes included with three core modules: a dom library (dom), an api for doing network io (io), and an application framework and router (app).

The DOM module is built on top of the high speed and extensible Zest selector engine.

This has been a project and experiment of mine for some time. I felt like reinventing the wheel. This is an early release. The API is unstable. Tests still need to be polished.

What it looks like

var $ = require('dom')
  , io = require('io')
  , app = require('app');

app.set('engine', mustache);
app.set('view', '#content');

app.get('/:foo', function(req, next) {
  req.setCookie('hello', 'world');
  req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  req.send({ hello: }, function(err, res) {
    if (err) return req.redirect('/404');
    req.render('#template1', {
      hello: ! ? 'mars' : 'world',
      data: res.body
    setTimeout(next, 2000);

$.ready(function() {
  if (app.getPath() !== '/') {
    $('#content').render('#template2', {
      another: 'page',
      and: 'more locals'
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);

  $('<a>hello</a>', {
    '@href': '/foo',
    '@title': 'click me!',
    ':margin-left': '-20px',
    ':color': 'red',
    'className': 'foo'

$.live('button', 'click', function(ev) {
  var el = $(;
  el.setContent('<b>thanks for clicking me</b>');
  el.set(':color', '#000');

io.script('/foo.js', function(err) {
  if (!err) console.log('loaded');

The app's router was intended to act like the connect/express router. It will wrap your handlers in a try/catch, and pass a caught error down the stack.

Installation and Build

$ npm install rondo
$ cd rondo
$ make

Browser Support

I don't want to support every browser ever made. I'm currently (and reluctantly) supporting IE7. I maybe want to drop IE support in the future, once the stranglehold IE has on the web loses even more of its grip.


DOM (defined in dom.js)

  • Numerous. Consult lib/dom.js for now.

Request (defined in io.js)

  • req.method
  • req.headers
  • req.url - The URL of the request.
  • req.pathname
  • req.query - The query object.
  • req.rawQuery - The query string.
  • req.cookies
  • req.body - The body's object.
  • req.rawBody - The body's data.
  • req.setHeader
  • req.getHeader
  • req.header
  • req.setCookie
  • req.getCookie
  • req.send - Send a request using the current req.url.

Response (defined in io.js)

  • res.url
  • res.statusCode
  • res.headers
  • res.body
  • res.rawBody

IO (defined in io.js)

  • io.request - Send an XHR.
  • io.get
  • io.jsonp - A JSONP request.
  • io.script - Dynamically insert and load a script.

Application (defined in app.js)

  • app.settings - The configuration of the app.
  • app.set - Set or get a setting.
  • app.render - Render a template.
  • app.get, app.put,, app.del - Router API.
  • app.setPath - Set's the current path.
  • app.getPath - Get the current path.


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for more info.