
A basic rooms smart package for Meteor



A simple smart package for creating rooms in your Meteor app - works with Meteor Accounts.

v0.1.0 - This is ALPHA quality and needs to be updated to work with releases 0.6.0 and later.


Install Meteorite

You'll need to you have Meteorite installed to use meteor-rooms.

To install and use Meteorite, you'll need node/npm and git. To install, run npm install -g meteorite

Install meteor-rooms

In a Meteorite-managed app: $ mrt add rooms

Get Started

To create a simple demo app using meteor-rooms:

1 - Create a new Meteor App 2 - Then run $ mrt add rooms 3 - Remove the pre-existing html, then copy/paste the following in its place:

  <title>meteor-rooms demo</title>

  <div class="container">
    {{ loginButtons }} <br>
    {{#if currentUser}}
      {{ createRoomControls }}
      {{ roomsList }}
      {{> room }}

<template name="room">
  {{#if inRoom}}
    {{> singleRoom }}

4 - for some basic styling, add this to your CSS:

html, body {
  font-family: sans-serif;

.container {
  width: 900px;
  height: 790px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  background-color: #faf7f7;


Handlebar Helpers

{{ createRoomControls }} - Adds a template that allows users to manually create their own room.

{{ roomsList }} - Adds a template that shows the list of all rooms that have been created - lets users select rooms to join.

These helpers are not mandatory. They add a simple interface to get up and running quickly. You can create rooms and manage the Meteor Session through the meteor-rooms API.

Meteor Templates

{{> room }} - this adds a Meteor Template showing a user's current room.

Visual Customization

Styling for the helper and templates above is simple and can be overridden using your own css.

If you don't want to use the Handlebar Templates provided, the API exposes some other basic methods you can use.



LoggedUsers - A collection used for tracking when a user is in a room. A user is automatically added to this collection when they are added to a room, and removed from this collecton upon leaving it. You do not have to worry about this.

This allows for removal of users in case a client closes their session without explicitly leaving the room.

A LoggedUser object contains:

id: currentUser's ._id
stamp: time when the user enters the room

Rooms - A collection that holds all rooms that have been created.

A Rooms object contains:

  'maxSize': maxSize,
  'name': roomName,
  'users': []
  • maxSize is a property set on the rooms object. For more info on this, check out the API docs below.
  • users is an array containing all active users in the room at that current time.
  • Rooms also has an initial Rooms.options object that allows you to set a clearEmpty property to true or false. The default is false, and if set to true, a room that has 0 users in it will be removed from the collection. More functionality is coming that will allow you to control the removal based on messages in the room, etc.
  • [maxSize is a wip and, if set, will manage showing rooms that aren't yet full and add users to the appropriate rooms]

Messages - A collection that holds all messages for your app.

An example Message Object creation:

'message': msg,
'user_id': Session.get('currentUser'),
'room_id': Session.get('currentRoom'),
'user_email': Meteor.users.find({_id: Session.get('currentUser') }).fetch()[0].emails[0].address,
'timestamp': new Date().getTime()


Dependencies: Currently, meteor-rooms depends on using Meteor Accounts and several Session properties that you'll need to handle in your client code.

currentUser - needs to be set to the Meteor.userId() if there is a Meteor user logged in. an example:

if (Meteor.user()) {
  Session.set('currentUser', Meteor.userId());

currentRoom - this is the ID of the room that the user is currently in. Default is set to null, and is changed to the current room when a user enters a room.

Create a room:

Room.create( roomname, callback )

The callback returns the new room object. This allows for things like allowing you to automatically add a user to the newly created room.


Room.create(roomName, function(newRoomId){
  Room.addUser(newRoomId, Session.get('currentUser'));
  Meteor.users.update({_id: Session.get('currentUser') }, {$set:{"profile.currentRoom": newRoomId}});

Add a user to a room:

if (Session.get('currentRoom')) {
    Session.set('currentRoom', null);
Room.addUser(newRoomId, Session.get('currentUser'));

Remove a user from a room:

Room.removeFromRoom(Meteor.userId(), Session.get('currentRoom'));